Chapter Three: The Parade

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As soon as they arrived at the capitol Clove got whisked away and spent what felt like hours being poked and prodded by stylists. Before she knew she was wearing what resembled a gladiator outfit, her hair feeling glued to her head.

"You look good." Enobaria said with a nod of approval upon seeing her "You want to make the other tributes intimidated."

"Are you coming to the parade?" Clove asked curiously and Enobaria nodded.

"Brutus and I will be waiting for you and Cato once the parades are over I trust the two of you can go over on your own without getting into another fight?" Clove nodded with a sigh. "Try to make allies with the district one tributes." Enobaria advised, "It's good to be close with the fellow careers and I heard a rumor they are decent this year."

"Better than me and Cato?" Enobaria shook her head

"You could kill both of them in a second but you'll want them on your side." Clove nodded

"Thanks." She said, and she was thanking Enobaria for far more than her advice.

"I'm here for you." Enobaria said, "Now go make me proud." Clove smiled softly, waiting outside Cato's room for him. The two walked in silence to the parade, both too stubborn to talk.

"Enobaria said we should talk to the district one tribute." Clove said, breaking the silence "Try to get to know them." Cato nodded

"Sounds like a good idea." It broke Clove's heart knowing that at this time yesterday the two were happy, snuggling in Clove's bed. How the reaping could change everything. They approached the District One tributes, Cato instantly putting on a smile "I'm Cato and this is Clove." He said, shaking the guy's hand "We just wanted to meet our fellow careers."

"I'm Marvel." The guy said with a smile, and Clove instantly liked him.

"I'm Glimmer." The girl said, her gaze stationed on Cato "Nice to meet you."

"The pleasures all mine," Cato said with a wink directed at her and Clove felt anger overcome her.

"Have you gotten a look at any of the other tributes?" Clove asked Marvel, ignoring whatever was going on between Glimmer and Cato. Marvel nodded

"Most of them look easy to take out, the guy from eleven looked tough though."

"Might be a good person to have on our side," Clove said and Marvel nodded. Clove held back an eye roll as Glimmer practically threw herself onto Cato flirtatiously.

"You look young," Marvel said to Clove, yet he sounded more curious than anything.

"I'm 15," Clove said and Glimmer instantly gasped

"You're a baby." She cooed "Are you scared?" This time Clove rolled her eyes

"No, I'm ready for the games." Glimmer giggled as if she was a silly little kid and Clove wanted to do nothing more than throw a knife straight through her eye. Sensing her anger Cato spoke up

"We better head over to get ready but we'll see you for training tomorrow?"

"See you, Cato!" Glimmer exclaimed, Clove rolling her eyes once they turned around. Clove felt Cato's eyes on her as soon as the parade began she couldn't help but meet his gaze which she instantly regretted. His eyes which had been full of anger all day had softened and she could see the apology he was trying to send to her, even if he'd never say it out loud. She broke his gaze, staring front and waiting for this all to be over. As soon as they got off the chariots Brutus and Enobaria whisked them to the side, ignoring all the pictures that were being snapped of them.

"Good job." Brutus said, "But we do have a problem."

"What?" Cato asked angrily.

"The crowd loved twelve." Enobaria said with a sigh "They were on fire, like literally."

"The girls going to be trouble." Cato declared as he sent a glare her way.

"How do you know that?" Clove asked with a snort.

"I just know." Cato said, "We better watch out."

"Brutus and I are going to head out for a drink we trust that you guys won't destroy the apartment fighting?" Cato and Clove both nodded and after bidding their goodnights, they silently trudged to the elevator.

"Cato!" Glimmer squealed rushing up to them "Want to come up to my room?" She sent him a wink, both Clove and Marvel rolling their eyes.

"Sorry got to meet with my mentor," Cato said dismissively. "Maybe tomorrow." Glimmer said hopefully, Cato merely hummed in response, not even bothering to say goodbye to her as she and Marvel stepped off the elevator.

"That was rude," Clove said, sending Cato a glance as they entered the apartment.

"I didn't want her getting the wrong impression," Cato said with a shrug, his gaze stationed on her.

"Which is?"

"That I'm into her," Cato said, taking a seat on the velvet couch.

 "Why not?" Clove asked tauntingly "She's blonde with perfect boobs isn't that you're dream?"

"Because she's not you." Cato shot out, Clove instantly turning towards him "Nobody's like you, Clover." Clove stayed silent as he moved closer to her until they were nearly touching. "I'm sorry Clover." He said so softly she could barely hear him. Before she even knew what was happening his mouth was on hers and yet again she was too deeply in love with Cato Hadley to even care about what was going on. That they were at the capitol getting ready to fight for their lives, and the fact that only one of them was going to come out alive. But tonight all she cared about was that Cato was hers and that he could hold her and tell her that everything would be alright. Even if they both knew that was far from the truth. 

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