Chapter Four: The First Day Of Training

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The next morning Clove woke up to the sound of music blaring through the apartment.

"What's going on" Clove asked groggily, lifting her head from off of Cato's chest.

"I don't know." He grunted in response

"We better go and see." Clove groaned, quickly getting dressed into the outfit she'd been issued for training and rushing into the kitchen. Brutus and Enobaria were both in the kitchen wearing matching smirks.

"Took you long enough." Enobaria said with an eye roll "Eat up, we need to to scope out the competition today at training." Clove and Cato ate in awkward silence, both knowing that their mentors were catching onto what happened last night. Before they left Enobaria grabbed Clove's arm "If you feel sick just excuse yourself and go to the bathroom." Enobaria said softly "You don't want anyone thinking you're weak." Clove nodded, sending her a look of gratitude.

"You and Enobaria seem close," Cato noted, eyeing Clove.

"We are." Clove said in response "She's helpful." Cato nodded, letting silence fall over them again.

"We should go pick Marvel and Glimmer up." Cato said, "Let people know we're a team."

"I'd rather have 12 than that blonde bitch." Clove said with an eye roll but relented to Cato. Clove's eyes searched the training room once they arrived, scoping out the competition. Glimmer was glued to Cato, flirting with him constantly. "Is she always like this?" Clove asked Marvel, getting sick of her behavior.

"She's not that bad." Marvel said, defending Glimmer "I think it's more strategy than anything, she's not as dumb as she seems." Clove nodded thoughtfully. Once training had begun, Clove made sure to show off her skills, not wanting anyone to think her age or size would stop her , from winning.

"I want 11." Clove said to Cato "He's strong and I'm sure he has some good survival skills."

"He'd kill us all in a second." Cato said, "I don't trust him." Clove rolled her eyes but didn't push it, she trusted Cato enough to know that when he had a bad feeling about something he was right.

"I'm worried about 12." Clove said quietly to Cato "I have a bad feeling."

"She's hardly done anything." Cato said with an eye roll "So what she had a dramatic entrance in last night that doesn't mean anything."

"She could be holding back on skills she doesn't want to share." Clove said with a shrug "She probably wants us to underestimate her."

"Why do you think that?" Cato asked, and Clove could tell he was getting worried too.

"She doesn't look scared." Clove said, "All the other tributes look worried but she seems fine, and she doesn't seem worried about making allies."

"You're onto something Clover." Cato said thoughtfully "Marvel! Glimmer!" He shouted beckoning them over "We have to keep an eye on twelve." Both of them nodded, not wanting to cross Cato but Clove could tell they were wary. But before Clove could say anything she felt a bout of nausea pass over her 

"I'll be back," Clove said, and quickly left without another word, practically running to the bathroom. She instantly fell to her knees heaving into the toilet. She was too preoccupied to notice the door swing open.

"What the hell Clover!" He shouted, "You can't just leave in the middle of training." He swung the door open, wrinkling his nose "Jesus this stinks."

"You can't be nice for one second can you!" Clove shouted, "I'm fucking puking and all you can tell me is how it stinks!" Cato scoffed

"Please princess all you've been doing is fucking complaining lately and it's getting on my nerves stop being such an uptight bitch!" The stall beside her swung open revealing a woman who didn't look as if she could have been older than 20.

"You do realize this is a women's bathroom right?" She said snarkily "Go back to training and leave her alone pretty boy." Cato left with a scoff, slamming the door. "Jesus the tributes just get more and more entitled every year." She said with a sigh.

"Thanks," Clove said shakily.

"No problem." She said with a smile "I'm Johanna."

"I'm Clove," Clove said with a small smile.

"Wait you're Enobaria's girl?" Johanna asked, "She was raving about you all last night."

"You know Enobaria?" Clove asked with a smile. Johanna chuckled 

"I'm a victor sweetie of course I know her."

"You're Johanna Mason," Clove said, realization dawning on her. Johanna Mason had won three years before, putting on a whole show of being a scared little girl when in reality her strength with an axe was unmatched.

"So is he the Daddy?" Johanna asked curiously and Clove's eyes shot wide open

"Excuse me?"

"That boy." Johanna said matter a factly "Is he the Father of you're baby."

"How did you know?" Clove asked incredulously.

"District Two wouldn't pick a girl that was sick to compete in the Hunger Games." Johanna said with an eyeroll "So tell me is he the Daddy?"

"Yes." Clove said softly "Please don't tell anyone."

"I'm not telling anyone." Johanna promised, "My lips are sealed shut." Clove sighed in relief and Johanna's face softened. "Do you need anything, honey?" She asked her hand coming to rest on Clove's shoulder "Some vitamins for the baby or some medicine for your morning sickness."

"You'd do that for me?" Clove asked and Johanna nodded.

"I'll put together a box of stuff for you ok?" Clove nodded in appreciation "

Why are you being so nice to me?" "Guys suck," Johanna said with a wry smile

"Us girls have to stick together." That Clove could agree with, so after pulling herself together she went back to training, desperate to prepare for the games. 

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