If It Comes To This

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Delphi Lestrange missed Padfoot. A part of her wanted her life back, she wanted to feel forgiveness and be forgiven. But that wasn't her. It never was and it never could be. She was brave in many ways but this was not one of them. This was one of the times she couldn't fathom what to do or understand how it was going to end. Padfoot was gone now, she made that mistake once. She should have never left but she did and now here we are, standing outside like muggles do on a cigarette break but instead she was becoming one with the wind.

It was this very second when Delphi realised she didn't like her life very much. She didn't like how it went or how it could go. She was almost fearful of what would come next. Though she knew she had to put that behind her if she had any chance of survival. She was not meant to survive, that was the fact that made her blood run cold.

Perhaps if she was told straight up it would be different. Though you should never relish in the past. Someone once told her because you don't want to get stuck.

It's not as if you could reverse effects, well- not in a legal and healthy way at least and Delphi had already learned her lesson there.

As Delphi continued to listen to the preaching from her heritage inside far away from the closed door in the porch she managed to trap herself in, she knew she was in trouble. In deep as some may say.

"The future will decide. The future starts here."

The grip on her hunting knife gets tighter.

"I would really like to know what you're doing in there Delphi," one of her father's followers called from the hall.

"You know- you can't hide in there forever."

"Even charms wear off."

"Don't do what everyone wants you to do," Delphi whispers to herself.

"Do whatever the hell you want."

Delphi turns on her heels unlocking the metal latch on the doors, now standing in the doorway. Heads turn, the window swinging open in the process.

Her father turns, the Dark Lord, staring into her cold eyes as the room fills with chatter. But it wasn't Delphi there who was staring at rather than the voice she knew far too well.

"Rodolphus Lestrange-" Her father stutters.

"What brings you here on this fine day?"

"You know why I'm here."

Her father scoffs, Delphi knowing this melody far too well.

"My people need me," The Dark Lord repeats.

"They do not need you," he says, coldly.

"Your people despise you."

"That does not change the fact that they need me."

"Perhaps not..."

"It does make you care significantly less."

"The truth is, we are all monsters."

Delphi walks backwards, but not far enough for Rodolphus to make eye contact with her.

They must have heard the creak in the floorboard move, earning glances from many.

"Come on," he says to Delphi.

"We have to prepare for the next war."


"Are you going to go?" Delphi jumps as she hears the voice then stops when she realises... "I don't know," she responds.

"I think you should." Annie replies, surprising Delphi. "I mean- get out when you can, right?"

"I should have left years ago but I never had the chance."

"Will you get hurt?" She asks.

Delphi shakes her head, "it's only a matter of time."

Annie disappears to reach into her bag to retrieve a small vial of potion. A sleeping drought. Delphi recognised the bottle from that one book she managed to find in the small confines of her room. It was a keepsake, her one spark of hope.

"What's this for?" Delphi asks.

"To fight."

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