1. Masks.

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Parties are not my favourite kind of place to engage with people but - since is for work purposes - I don't have a choice other than to be here tonight. Luckily for me, Melissa, my best friend, and I work together so I can at least enjoy her company.

" Relax, Autumn is just a party! Besides, with those masks on, I'm sure no one will ever recognise us."

" Isn't that the purpose of masked balls?"

" Indeed. I just don't see the point in this case. We work in a private clinic, brand new, by the way; why have a party to introduce the staff if the staff is wearing masks?"

" I think Mr Trevor is just trying to help everybody feel comfortable and make new friends. Starting a new job is never easy; meeting people can be quite frustrating. Wearing a mask can help people open up without worrying about feeling judged or out of place. It gives you control because you can decide if to show or not who is behind that mask." As I walk alongside Melissa, we pass a group of people chatting, as usual, in this kind of party, there are groups: males, females and people with power. The one we just passed must be the people with money and power because Mr Trevor is standing in the middle, entertaining the small group.

"You see..." I say while tilting my head to the right enough to follow with the corner of my eyes the profile of a man who - as soon as we pass by him - locks his eyes on me. " Because he is wearing a mask, he doesn't care that he is staring. He knows I know, but because I can't see his face - and so tomorrow I won't know who he is - he feels protected in a way to eat me with his eyes." Indeed my dress isn't helping, but I don't care.

" God Autumn, do you ever stop working?"

" I do. I've just answered your question. Why do you think people tend to get way drunk at staff parties than at other social events anyway?"

" Because there is always an open bar?" Shaking my head, I roll my eyes at her and, grabbing her arm, I pull her towards the open bar. A drink sounds definitely like a good idea right now . " so...how do you feel about being back? A mean... after everything that has happened..."

" Good. I mean, nothing seems to have changed around here ..." except for the fact that I have no family left and, of course, he isn't in my life anymore. "But honestly, I'm glad that my first night out is with a mask on because I'm not ready yet to face the town," I state trying to curve my lips into a smile. The truth is I'm not sure I was ready to come back.

" I know... I people here love gossip and bitching about... but honestly? I don't care! My best friend is finally back!!" Squeezing my arm, she squeals in excitement, and just as he does, something seems to ask me to turn. " The bright side, apart from that, is that most of your clients are not from the area...I have to face our ex-classmates every day... happy judging family."

" You have nothing to envy them, Mel; besides, we hated all of them." The sensation of being touched and watched forces me to turn and as I do, shivers start to creep down my spine, causing me a sort of excitement that for years I haven't felt. "Uhm..."I mutter, turning my head. No one is behind me or physically touching me, no one, except a set of beautiful eyes, which seems to be glued on me.

" Uuuh who is that?" I can see the sparkle in Mel's eyes and knowing her, her mind is already travelling dirty miles away.

" Not sure. I don't think I know him. Does he look familiar to you?"

" Mh no... I'm sure I would have remembered those shoulders.... And that physique."

"Yeah...and probably would have been already in your panties."

" ...Or yours"

" Mh, probably, even though I've stopped giving in too easily. A good chase makes it worth more..." Turning on my heels with my glass in hand, I glance at the stranger not too far from us. Something in his strong presence tells me to run away yet something dark and deep in his eyes - the only thing I can see from his mask - calls me to him.

" Well, I bet it's game on then" She whispers in my direction right before a girl - a colleague possibly- pulls her away from me, entertaining her in conversation. What perfect timing.

With the corner of my eyes,as I walk towards the balcony across from me, I can see the outline of the mystery man still standing across the room. His eyes haven't left my bareback for a second and, as much I find that amusing, there is more to it. His frame is enough to have my body tingle, I can see his muscles asking to be let free and -I swear - I can already feel his skin under my fingertips. Why do I feel like I know him?

" May I?" That voice. Deep, low, masculine and passionate. Where did I hear it before? Was it a dream or somewhere around? Nodding, I keep looking ahead of me. There is no way I know this man, yet my body already enjoys his proximity.

" New around here?" Now that he is a few inches away, I can see him better as he stands on my right. His olive skin shines under the moonlight, and the light lay of his growing beard gives him an elegant roughness that only accentuates his already pronounced and masculine jaw. Even his hair, messy on purpose, has something that makes me think dirty and rough. Perhaps, how my finger would feel curled around them as I push him deep into my desire, they look soft, almost silky.

" You can say that, even though I've just been away for a while. What about you?" Only now, I move my head in his direction, and as I do, his eyes are there, ready to suck mine into his, black like the darkest night.

" Landed a few days ago."

" I see." With purpose, I move the glass to my lips and, making sure to be noticed, I take a slow sip of my drink, letting a tiny drop that misses my mouth roll down my lips. Just before it rolls entirely away, I like it slowly and when I do, I see it. His eyes are burning in desire, and so are mine. Game on. " Do you know Mr Trevor already?"

" You can say that...but this isn't the reason why we are out there, am I right?" Staring into my eyes he moves an inch closer and curving his brow he just stares at me. The confidence of his question not only fascinates me but it's a turn on. However, that's way too easy.

" And why are we here then?" Now my face is only a few inches away from his and - even considering that I'm not so small - his body is towering over me, embracing me completely.

" I can see it in your eyes. You want me just as much as I want you " His deep low growl has a power on me that I can't define and my hardened nipples are the proof. My silky dress gives that away easily and if he had any kind of superpower, he could also feel my panties soaking. Reaching for his neck I slowly pull him closer and when his hand lands on my bare back, my body shivers once more, giving away more than I would.

" Or maybe that's what you want to believe" I whisper against his cheek, and before he can say something, I slip away, turning my back on him. Licking my lips, I walk back inside, and before disappearing into the mass, I give him one last look.

Perhaps it won't be a worthless party.

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