2. Game on

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The burning feeling of his eyes on my body didn't let me go until the moment I reached the rest of the crowd, gathered under the giant staircase where Mr Trevor was now standing. Looking around it didn't take me long to find Melissa; her laugh is somehow unique and easy to follow.

" Here you are. I thought I'd lost you," she says as I approach her, causing the small group surrounding her to turn in my direction. I'm pretty sure I know every single one of them. The town has always been relatively small, yet they don't know who I am. The fact that I now go by middle name surely doesn't help, and I'm very happy with that.

" Nonsense, you could never. I went to get some fresh air..." If you knew me five years ago, you would never believe that the person standing here, talking to you, was me; my body is not the same, my look indeed not even close, and my voice, yes, with time, has changed too and my confidence, well that has grown too swiping away completely the little innocent and Insecure Evelyn.

"Well...I see you brought company with you." Her whisper is intended only for me to hear, and so it does. Tilting my head slightly to the side, not far from me, is the mystery man in all his glory. Wearing a messy look, one hand in his pocket and a smirk that could challenge the devil himself, he keeps glancing at me. Who are you? I think as I trap a limb of my bottom lip between my teeth, almost as distracting myself from the heat already rising in my belly.  Jesus, I wasn't like that before; sex wasn't my thing. Oh boy, no, it wasn't, but now? Now, even Mel thinks I enjoy sex way too much. Although, I'm not sure someone could even quantify the healthy amount of sex one can have.

" Do you know who he is?"

" No, I don't...At least, I don't think I do. He has something, though, Mel, which I can't quite describe. It's a feeling like I know him, but I'm also one hundred per cent sure I've never met him before tonight."

" ...that makes no sense even for you, my friend. You know that, right?"

" I know.... but his voice, his presence...even the air around him, it's calling me to him and yet, something is also screaming to run away from him as fast as I can."

"Well, for a change...I'd say you are just horny, Lyn " Sarcasm is written all over her word, which is something that makes me giggle. I am horny, like all the time.  But this is different. Usually, sex is sex, comes and goes, but this feeling? Mh, different. I can feel mystery men beneath my skin already and he hasn't even touched me yet.  Even if I'm not looking at him right now, I know his eyes are still on me, as if he could see just right through me and under my dress, where my desire is not hidden anymore. 

 I can hear people talking to me, but my brain can't register their words.  The only thing my brain seems to register is the hand that lends on my bareback - firm but not intrusive-  calm as if that hand belonged there... " Second door on the left." A whisper followed by the air waving behind me.

Turning around, I don't see anyone close enough to be able to touch me. Did I imagine that? The feeling of his hand -warm and rough- is still tangible, but where is he? 

" where are you..." Thanks to my heels, I can manage to scan the room with more ease than usual, as just as my eyes are about to give up on the search, I see him, exiting the ballroom like a shadow.  " Mel, I'll be back. "

Like a predator looking for his prey, I follow him - almost tracking his scent - outside the ballroom. Why does he have this effect on me? I can't explain it, but truth be told, I can't wait to find that out. As soon as I reach the second door on the left, I'm surprised to see that the door is been left ajar. Something in the back of my mind can smell danger and keeps telling me to stop and go back to the party.. But the thing is, I stopped being afraid five years ago. Without hesitation, I step inside the room, and the adrenalin running through my body keeps me aware of my surroundings. Darkness embraces me right away, while a scent - one that tickles my brain and influences my lust- stops me from where I am.

" I'm impressed." I've heard many different male voices in my life, from the most intense one to the most feminine and acute one; Elijah - my ex-asshole-boyfriend - had what I believed to be the most intense and captivating voice. A voice that could go so deep that it would make you feel as if he was about to touch the ground - with his voice- visiting hell and come back. However, the mystery man's voice is more than that. Not only it have me in a trance but has my body under a spell.

" Why?" I ask, feeling his figure moving behind me, and, as he steps closer, my body trembles in anticipation, dying to feel his touch.

" You came." His voice reaches the lowest note a man can reach and while he speaks his lips brush against my cheek, causing me to swallow harder than usual, breathing in his cologne - strong and manly - which doesn't bother me. Instead, it awakens all my senses, making my mouth watery for no reason.

With one hand - open on my flat on my stomach - he keeps me pinned against his broad chest while, with the other hand, he strokes my arms softly, sending my skin on fire.

"Usually they don't?"

" Usually is different circumstances. I don't need to chase." His voice is doing something to me that makes my brain blurry and my core throbbing. A stranger never had so much effect on me that I can ever remember until tonight.

" I don't think you had to chase me tonight. I think it was quite easy..." My voice is not even my anymore, lust and desire have taken control. Arching my beck and parting my legs slightly, I push my firm ass against his lap and, surprise number too, something there is already awake and hard. "...but we are not here to talk, aren't we?" The small gasp that leaves his mouth as I press myself against him is enough to have my nipple hardened and I'm sure he can see that through the tiny fabric of my dress.

" So why are you here, with a stranger?" He asks this question as if waiting for an answer and while he speaks, I can feel his words rumbling through his chest right into mine.

" For the same reason you are." And taking him probably by surprise, I flip in his embrace, facing him.

" You know I could smell how wet you were already out there?"

" I wasn't trying to hide it." It takes his hands zero seconds to end up on my ass the moment I'm facing him. His grip is firm and tight, how I like it and pulling me closer to him, he locks his eyes with mine. What I see in his dark pool of burning desire is frightening and captivating.

" Who are you?" He asks leaning in my direction and now that he is only a breath away from mine, I can taste his smoky-alcoholic breath. Usually, the smells of cigarettes disgust me, but not on him.

" That doesn't matter." And reaching for his neck I curl my finger against his loose locks, pulling him closer " But enough talking." Control - in this case - is something I don't mind sharing; however, I do not like to wait to get what I want, and right now, all I want is mystery man.

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