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This week at work has been nothing but chaotic. With Mr. Trevor stepping down and the new boss taking over, everybody, including me, seems to have been under a lot of stress lately. Not that the new boss is bad or anything, for that matter, I haven't even met him yet. It is just that he needs to know the clinic and the staff, so there are way more papers to do and more meetings to attend, which leads us to swap shifts constantly and take patients that aren't ours.

Luckily for me, today is Friday, and as such, it is also my last day of work. Clearing my desk and letting my hair down after having it all day bound into a tight bun, I wave at my colleagues already leaving the office. For me, I still have one more client to come. Honestly, I feel a little tired, but the fact that finally, I can "speak" my first language, which is sign language, excites me quite a lot.

" Miss Devlin?" Mr Trevor's calm voice brings me back to reality when he speaks. Turning my head in this direction, I smile at him, signing for him to come in.

"Please come in." My voice sounds slightly hoarse because, as usual, Mel and I go to the gym on Thursday night, and last night was quite a sweaty, wet train under the rain.

" Hi," I sign to the little boy holding his grandfather's hands. From how bright his smile is, Noah must be a very sociable kid.

" I'm sorry to keep you here past your hour time, but it really means a lot to me, dear."

"Nonsense. Besides, I can already tell that we are gonna get along just fine" The moment in fact Mr Trevor let Noah hands-free, the boy took a seat quite instantly on one of the blue soft pouffes right in the middle of the room and, right now, he was going through some books.

" He is an adorable kid I have to say. If only his father was just as good..."

"Having a deaf child is never easy Mr Trevor...I'm sure things are gonna be better."

"I hope...I'm having a few more meetings on the 10th floor today, but my other son, Aden, will come and pick Noah up, which...anyway, should be a good way for you to meet him."

"Oh right, he is taking over right?"

"Correct my dear. Luckily, he is nothing like his brother." The sadness in his eyes almost caused me to feel sorry for him and somehow I am. It also feels weird not knowing their sons at all, after all, the town's too small for not knowing them. " Anyway, I leave you to it. Let me know if you need anything else."

"We are gonna be just fine. Don't worry about us..." With one last smile I watch as he walks out of my office and before I can even recall Noah's attention, he is already looking at me.

In the hour spent talking to Noah, I've learned a few things about him and his family that had me quite intrigued. He seems to be spending most of his time with his uncle because his father is always busy. However, his father doesn't seem to have a job right now or if he does, it's from home.

I've learned that he is five and his favourite colour is green, just like mine. He likes going to school but here, unfortunately, there is no one that he can talk to and most of the other children make fun of him, which is sad. I've also felt uneasy all the time that we were talking and honestly I'm not sure why.

His eyes, however, gave me the chills as soon as I noticed them. Big, bright and a mix between hazelnut and honey, just like Elijah's. Elijah, that fucker has been in my mind already twice because of this kid. I wonder what my brain is playing at because I really have no more feelings for him. None. Is my body telling me that I want a child? Because otherwise I really don't know what's the connection here.

A knock on the door distracts me from Noah and my thoughts and with a " Come in" loud enough for the person outside to hear, I tilt my head, enough to welcome whoever is standing on the other side.

Dark, messy hair and black eyes framed by two perfect dark eyebrows give the man a stern and intense look. Perfect defined jaw and lay so thin of beard that is almost impossible to notice. His lips are curved into a tiny smile and his presence, well his body, is statuary. Tall, broad and hot. The tingle in my body and the heat between my thighs confirms just but when he looks at me, like properly looks at me and his eyes meet with mine, my jaw almost drops and my panties dampen right away. It can't be. He cannot be...

"Good Evening, Miss Devlin I believe?" His voice. Dark, low, passionate and sexy. His voice impressed incredibly deep in my head. I have no doubt now, my mystery man is standing just in front of me.

"Yes, that would be me. Can I help you?" The moment I stand up and he can finally have a full view of myself, his eyes narrow and a flash of light that passes through it as his lips form a smirk gives me an extra motive to be certain. He just recognised me too.

" You..."That's all he mutters between his teeth before Noah, now aware of his presence, stands up running through his massive figure.

"You must be Mr Trevor son I believe, our new boss to be?"

"Please, Aden." Stretching his hand in my direction he gives me another of his dark smirk and just as I stretch my hand out to reach his, my finger tingles already. Just like that night, it looks as if our bodies are calling at each other, yet, nothing could be so wrong.

"Autumn, it's a pleasure to..."

" Finally know my name? Or have finally found me?"

"I never went looking" Curving my brow at him I take in a deep breath trying to control my body. The man just squeezed my hand and that's enough to make my nerves bolt and explode under my skin.

"Mh. Such a shame. Because I did look for you, but you have appeared to be a ghost."

"I've tried my best to be one."The sexual tension between us can be easily cut with a knife right now and the only thing that is stopping us from jumping our bones, I believe, is the little creature standing in between us. Right, Noah.

" You probably should go, Noah looked quite tired."

"He is having trouble sleeping."

"So he said. I believe his father missing from home is the main cause, nothing to worry about yet so far. Changing can be traumatic for small children, mainly in situations like this."

"Do we need to schedule another appointment, Miss Devilin?" The way he pronounces my name makes my core clench and pressing my thighs together I give him an intense stare.

" I need to check my schedule for next week. I will drop an email to Mr Trevor in the morning."

"No need, I will personally take care of Noah, here" Handing me his card, he gives me a dirty look before licking his lips slowly. " You have all my details there, I'm sure anyway our paths will cross again, after all, we work in the same place."

" Correct. " Bending on my knees the moment his eyes leave mine, I sign goodbye to Noah and after a little chat with him and a surprise kiss that he gives me, I pull mysylef up, straightening my dress.

" You both have a good evening then."

"Yeah, You too, Autumn."

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