Chapter 4 - Binary Star

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Standing up from his bed he readies himself up for another day at work. While preparing his meal he turns on the television, Alcor knows he always open the television if he is at home or the computer because he knows that it helps him feel like he isn't alone and that there would be noise. Basically he will try to make noises so that the place won't be filled with silence especially at night. But what surprised Alcor is that he changed the channel to news, which he only did before when he was still in his education days waiting for announcements of cancellation of classes.

Upon opening the television he continued on with his daily preparation while Alcor silently watch and wait for news and relay it to Nathanael if ever he is actually waiting for one. Upon finishing with the preparation of his meal he sat down and started watching and it was a good timing because upon sitting down the news is now about a man who rampaged at a store with a mallet on his hands. Somehow with unknown reason he could see with his own eyes that the man is definitely "Alcor, that man..." he muttered but enough for him to hear.

Alcor glanced at him, clearly he is surprised that he is able to see that the man is not the same anymore. He is somehow pleased that he is learning on differentiating the demons to humans as it means his teaching and his experiences is honing him. On the television the man raised his arms and hits the ground, the whole building shook and the ground that it hit cracked "Weak but is able to use the properties of the ground."

"Why are they rampaging in the open?" Nathanael asked worried about the people inside the building, right about now he is hoping no one got left behind inside the building and the ones that are left are only respondents but somehow even with respondents he doubts that they can do something the possessed man.

"I think you have misunderstood Nathanael. They do not need to hide since this is something that they want." Alcor made sure that he will understand that they do not want to hide their motives "Some might want to work alone since that is how demons work and some of course works with a group but not on the same page, if you know what I mean." Understanding what it meant he continued on to watching the news and did not ask further.

"They won't be able to restrain him with just the police." Alcor remarks while watching the man on the video continuing on to rampage "Oh." Alcor crossed his arms it seems that something happened that he cannot see as he did not understand the surprise that Alcor showed, Nathanael tries his best to look at the video "There is an Angel in the area." upon hearing those words he tries his best to look at the clip but before the clip could finish the film or the video went to an abrupt stop and the news casters were also dismayed at the scene saying it was something very odd like in movies.

Nathanael looked at Alcor, with his expression he understood immediately what the look meant "They are slowly usurping. From my understanding this is a message that they have successfully broke out of the seal, it's not far in the future or well sooner or later we might be encountering powerful or high ranking demons." Alcor raised his head "Starting now it won't just be because they are targeting you, because you are a delicious prey but now it will be purely out to create chaos. We need to be more careful since this one on the news won't be the only one wreaking havoc."

He had just a gruesome experience last night, and now in just days, weeks, the world as he knows it will be coming to an end because the demons made their way out. Slowly but surely the world he knows will be taken over. In his head he is praying that everything will be okay but will they be heard? For all he knows everything is set in stones but as per what Alcor said, he will help him to avoid this conflict.

"Don't worry." The words that Alcor spoke trying his best to lift Nathanael's anxious heart. Though inside he knows those words won't be enough, instead he is thankful that he is not broken yet right about now, for sure he would have broken down even on the very first day. He could only hope that he can continue on to support him and save him from being a prey, of course being a Guardian Star he has his name on the line that he can successfully do his duty, but what he is doing is also a dangerous thing and that is letting him share his abilities to a human. Additionally, he has to make sure that he is on the right path.

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