Crazy for you : Yandere!Leafy x Firey

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Requested by: @anglerkertz0

This takes place after the whole lava shenanigans but before two pulls up. (Just imagine there is a decent bit of extra time in between the two events.)

CW: Murder, Manipulation, Kidnapping, Obsession, All that juicy Yandere stuff.

A/N: first yandere AND first chara x chara so yipee

Leafy always acted angry about Firey, but she secretly loved the attention. She couldn't help herself! She relished in hearing his voice, and fighting with him was the best way to just listen to him. Plus, she could play off the stalking as just angrily looking for points against him.

There was just one problem in her way to listen and maybe make it to his heart. A certain gold coin. He was friends with Firey, which took away valuable attention that could be put toward her. But killing Coiny would need time to plan, as recovery centers would just bring him back. Until she got an idea.

First step, ask Tennisball for some info. Golfball was probably smarter, but Tennisball was more likely to be sympathetic to her.

Leafy: "Hey, uh, TB?"

Tennisball: "Leafy?"

Leafy: "Yeah uh.. I kinda wanted to make up to everyone, especially Firey, for stealing dream island. I was thinking making personal recovery centers for people again, but I don't know any of the science behind it. Could you help me?"

Leafy let none of her plan slip through her expression, seeming genuine from the outside.

Tennisball: "Oh! I've actually been experimenting with that. A Firey re-"

Leafy: "I'm not making one for Firey yet. It'd seem disingenuous if I start with him. Let's start with his friend Coiny who can put in a good word for me!"

Tennisball: "Either way, it should be easy with this blueprint. Glad that you're trying to reform!"

Perfect. Now she could control where he respawns. A long time of building and seclusion so that nobody would ever hear him screaming, and she was ready. Death-trapped like Blocky used to do back in the day, she was proud of herself.

Meanwhile, Firey was struggling to sleep. He usually found it quite easy to fall asleep, but something was telling him that bad stuff was going to happen. He kept rolling around, fighting his intuition and just trying to go to bed.

Back to Leafy. Was this overkill? Probably, but Coiny deserves it for stealing her sweet Firey's attention. She didn't need to think about morality if it was that easy to simply hit with a bat. If he was so easy to murder, he should've just been more careful!

But Leafy had another part of this. Skipping over to her death trap, she collected some of the leftover metal. The screaming was great background music as she created silicone molds for the perfect bracelet. If he liked Coiny so much then why not let him have Coiny. Just not alive or coin-shaped!

Eventually she stopped, finishing with a gold chain bracelet with many charms. The screaming was too annoying for her to make more. When gift-wrapping it, she was sure to prepare a chloroform rag and fireproof gloves in a separate bag, just in case he doesn't immediately swoon for her. But why wouldn't he?

Approaching him, she immediately relished in his burning presence. He was perfect. Soon, he would be hers, and only hers.

Leafy: "Hey, Firey.."

Firey: "What do you want?"

Leafy: "I'm really sorry about how I treated you. I just wanted to give you a gift to maybe make it up?"

Leafy offers him the box. He takes it, ripping open the delicate wrapping. Taking out the bracelet, he smiles, until he gets a closer look.

Firey: "Wait, is this Coi-"

But Leafy was quick. Before he could notice she wasn't where she was before, she had already slid on her gloves, forcing the rag to Firey's mouth. He would have burned her to a crisp, but he was suddenly tired from the choloform, and passed out.

After all, he found it quite easy to fall asleep.

Waking up in a would-be dark basement, Firey was in general disoriented and confused. There was a waterfall blocking the doorway out, and a slit in the wall. Inside the room there was a simple bed. There wasn't really anything else.

The slit in the wall opened to drop fine mahogany chips. He moved over to it, pick them up and swallowing them. At least the food was good. He smiled until he saw the person giving the food. Leafy. His expression turned into a frown quickly.

Leafy: "Aw, why so blue?"

Firey: "You murdered my best friend and kidnapped me!"

Leafy: "I couldn't have you being corrupted by others! I'm all you need, forever, and ever, and ever..."

Firey was shocked at how calm she sounded in her insane yapping.

Firey: "You're crazy.."

Leafy: "I'm crazy for you! How could I help myself? You're so perfect, I just needed to have you for myself whenever I want!"

Firey: "First off, nobody is perfect. Second, WHY DO YOU EXPECT ME TO LIKE YOU?"

Leafy: "You'll come around! I'll come back later with your lunch!"

Leafy then walked off, leaving Firey on his own. He sat on the bed, sulking. Why did he have to suffer through this? He sighed, getting comfortable. Maybe he could escape, but now didn't seem like the time.


A/N: Part 2?!??!!? Maybe!!!!!! only if people want it!

Total word count: 914

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