Escape! : Yan!Leafy x Firey (p2)

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CW for all the juicy yandere stuff, including murder, manipulaton, kidnapping, etc. Not for those who were easily triggered.

A/N: why do I just LOVE yanderes so much it just makes me wish I could obsess over someone (I swear I am at least somewhat sane)

also, Leafy withdrew from bfb/tpot, along with her telling everyone that firey also withdrew.

Firey woke up, feeling around him. Still not just a bad dream. He'd been trapped there for a month now, having to deal with Leafy's insane rambling. Every day seemed the same. Wake up, Leafy brings food and obsesses over him, and then he just sits there.

There was one thing he knew.

He needed to get out of there.

Dying didn't work, he tried that within the first week, by running into the water door. Leafy just used the time he was dead to make him a personal recovery center. The contestants wouldn't recover him if they didn't know if he was dead.

He sat there, thinking of something. He stopped eating the wood chips left for him. Might as well avoid Leafy, he didn't want to spill anything. At least, he would until she came into the room.

Leafy: "Firey, are you okay? You haven't been eating."

Firey was silent, freaking out on what to say. He should have expected this, Leafy was obsessive enough to kill Coiny, so why didn't he? He should just-

Leafy: "Firey? Hello? Answer the question!"

Leafy reached for his shoulder, only to feel a sizzle from the remaining droplets lingering on her hand evaporating. She pulled her hand away before it could burn.

Firey: "I'm fine."

Leafy: "I know you aren't! I can't have you refusing to eat in my care, I just can't! I love you too much for that to happen."

Firey: "Since when did you care about my mental health instead of sipping copium about how I just 'need to get used to it' or how I'll 'come around one day?' There were so many things you could have done, and you chose to melt my friend into a friendship offering, and then kidnap me!"

Leafy: "Anything to keep you here. You don't understand how I feel. Having any part of you nearby is like a drug! I just need you near!"

Firey: "That doesn't justify anything! It may even just make it worse! I'm not a prize to win or whatever!"

Leafy: "I don't care what I have to do! You are staying here, and that's final!"

Firey at this point was fuming, literally and figuratively.

Firey: "I am not going to let you keep me here forever. I won't!"

Leafy: "I'll keep fortifying and fortifying until you give up. If you are good and talk to me and smile and don't try to escape, you'll get more freedom. I can't let you go, of course, but I would be able to let you have some supervised time outside if you're really good!"

Firey: "Don't treat me like I'm a dog! I'm not gonna give up."

Leafy: "And I won't give you up."

Leafy smiled, a stiff, unnerving smile. She then walked out of the room, giggling. She was confident that Firey wouldn't escape.

Firey, however, noticed the slit in the wall that chips fell from was still open. He waited until night, as going to let this go to waste.

He slowly but surely made his way out of the room, tiptoeing by and looking for an exit. It took a while, but Leafy didn't seem to notice him. He was just about to open the door..

Until he felt a fireproof glove snatch his wrist from behind him. He immediately started to try to pull away.

Leafy: "Where do you think you're going?"

Firey didn't respond, just thrashing his grabbed arm around and opening the door with his other arm. Leafy, however, didn't let go. She refused to let her everything just run away like that.

And then Firey remembered that Leafy was flammable. He violently moved backwards, burning her to a crisp. He knew she wouldn't be recovered if he never told anyone. Nausea rushed up to his mouth as he realized that he basically permanently killed someone. He just ran away, not wanting to be there any longer.

Step after step, it just felt like he was going on forever. He sat down, tired. Until he noticed the faint noise of faraway screaming.

Trudging slowly, using the sound as a guide, he approached the source. Moving the foliage obstructing his view, his eyes widened at the sight. A recovery center suspended up and constantly dropping Coiny into an incinerator.

He needed to stop this.


A/N: Part 3 Firey x Coiny?!??!?? Im tired of writing this but I want the story to continue so I'm PUTTING IT OFF!!!!!!!!! (Also part 3 will only happen if people want it)

Update: opting out of part 3 because I'm lazy asf

Total word count: 820
(833 with update)

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