Fascinating! : Pillow x Shy!Sleepy!Reader

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Requested by: @AmbushDoPao445

Y/FF: your favorite food
Y/FD: your favorite drink

A/N: finally healed enough to type without hurting myself
Edit: Context, my arm was sprained before this. I made a now deleted A/N about it. I'm all good now 👍

Also I'm trying my best to make this somewhat healthy but pillow is a literal sociopath so erm

CW: death of fictional characters (not permanent, they do get recovered)


O/N looked outside from their window, bored. They were trying to sleep, but just couldn't get themselves to. They always had a bit of insomnia,  and that always made them too tired during the day.

After staring for a few minutes, they would've gone back to lying in bed if something didn't catch their eye. A certain Pillow lighting Bomby as a surprise. The explosion was loud, but it was about 3 am so nobody should be awake.

Pillow then turned over to face the person viewing her, with her soulless smile. O/N closed the curtains quickly. They were blushing, somewhat out of embarrassment and somewhat out of something else.. Why did they feel like they had a crush on someone who never showed any empathy??? Whatever.

Pillow didn't care that there was a witness, but the little glimpse she got intrigued her. She wanted to see more. For now though, she looked for more fun, AKA killing whoever decided to walk outside. Not like she could see more anyway, home invasion would be excessive.

In the following few days, O/N sometimes found Pillow watching them from afar. They immediately moved, as they assumed they were about to get killed. Sure, they found her attractive, but they didn't really like dying, even with recovery centers.

One day, however, they were too invested in writing fanfics on their phone. They only realized when it was too late to run. The cold breath behind them gave them shivers. They were about to book it when..

Pillow gave them something? Looking at it closely, it was a glass of Y/FD and a plate/bowl of Y/FF. They turned around, trying to say something but barely being able to talk.

O/N: "I- what?"

Pillow: "I did some research on you. These are your favorites, right?"

O/N: "Yeah, but why? To be honest, I assumed you just wanted to kill me."

Pillow: "You're too interesting to kill, for now."

The 'for now' as sent a little shiver down their spine, but Pillow said it as if it something normal. Somehow, they found it.. appealing? They were blushing, at least.

O/N: "Pardon?"

Pillow: "Every time I see you, I feel this nice warm feeling. I want to research it more."

O/N didn't really know what to say. Was what they assumed to be a psychopath actually feeling love, in her own weird way? They tried to just act like they were chewing to give themselves time to think of what to say.

Pillow didn't really care, just picking them up. She was able to hold in a way where their cup of Y/FD was in their hand and the plate/bowl of Y/FF was in their lap.

O/N finished their bite, kind of confused.

O/N: "What are you doing?"

Pillow: "I'm taking you home with me."

O/N: "Ok uh.. when will I be able to go?"

Pillow: "Hmm.. how about after you wake up tomorrow?"

O/N: "That.. works, I guess.."

Usually she didn't care what other people think. With any other person, she would've just kept them forever or just killed them. But something in her felt different with them. She was interested in them, but she.. cared for their health?

One thing was for sure. She found this very, very


A/N: Wow I finished this fast. Motivation hit me like a truck!!

Total word count: 631
Word count after edit: 657

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