Surprises: Bubble x Reader

651 7 4

Request by: @tncrazzygmailcom546

And yes, I tried to put the Goiky accent into text. I probably got it wrong.

A/N: hey guys welcome back yes I do exist

O/N sat inside, wrapped in a blanket and watching videos. They felt a little guilty for spending their time alone and not moving around. The light rain outside started to turn into a storm. They found the thunder kind of comforting. Maybe they should take a nap.

They got up, heading for their bed, but stopped when they heard a panicked knock on their door.

Opening the door, they saw an anxious Bubble in a raincoat. Her voice was full of panic.

Bubble: "Can Oi come inside? With this roin Oi'm gonna pop!"

O/N always liked Bubble, the cute way her voice bounced with her accent and just in general her kind personality. They quickly responded, not wanting to leave her outside.

O/N: "Yeah, get in here!"

They got out of the way, letting Bubble in. She hung up her raincoat, starting to remove her boots

Bubble: "Thoink you. Soirry Oi didn't give oiny noitice. I just went out foir a walk, and then it started roining, and then it started stoirming, and I was too far from home."

O/N: "It's fine. I needed some company anyway. I was starting to feel a little like a slob just sitting there and not socializing. Sorry if it's a mess, I haven't cleaned the house in a bit."

Bubble: "Moiybe I could help? Oi mean, while Oi'm here, moight as well troi to do something nice."

That was.. unexpected. O/N just wanted to chill out or whatever. They didn't expect her to help with the increasing mess that was their house. They blushed a little, before answering.

O/N: "I- actually, sure, if you want to, but it's a big mess, and you can stop anytime. Thanks."

Bubble: "No proiblem. I'd love to help!"

Bubble smiled. The rain was just an excuse to see O/N, but now she got to help them out with something.

The next hour consist of Bubble and O/N slowly but surely cleaning up. It was slow at first, but eventually they both got in the mood and got the entire house done.

O/N: "Wow. I honestly thought it'd take longer. Thanks for helping."

Bubble: "No proiblem! Oi'm really glad to."

Bubble then looked outside. It wasn't raining anymore. She didn't want to go even after all this, but didn't want to overstay her welcome

Bubble: "Oi guess Oi should go. It isn't roining anymore."

O/N: "Wait, actually, there's something I want to say"

No more escaping it now, O/N locked themself in, for better or for worse.

Bubble: "Hm?"

O/N: "I know this is out of nowhere, but I really like spending time with you, you're always so nice, and I'm really glad to be around you and I.."

O/N took a deep breath

O/N: "I think I love you!"

That was sudden. But not hated

Bubble: "Oi.. Oi feel the soime!"

O/N: "Wow, I didn't expect that. But then again, this day has been just things I didn't expect that turned out to be good."

Bubble: "You mean surproises?"

O/N: "Yeah. Surprises.


A/N: hooorayyyyy I did another one

*skitters away like a gremlin*

Total work count: 566

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