Ink and Blood: Yan!Pen x Oblivious!Simp!Reader

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Req by: @CrystalThePenSimp

TW: obessession, murder, kindnapping, you know the drill.

Y/FC: Your favorite (non-algebralien) character. And yes crystal this does not include pen.
Y/FC is mainly used as a "best friend", so you can also replace them with an oc in your head if you want
just don't get attached!! 😈😈😈

Update: sorry if Pen is mischaracterized here!

A/N: First request since opening!! Let's hope
I can actually finish this!!


Pen snapped his vision away from O/N AGAIN. He felt horrible for the thoughts that filled his head when his eyes caught them. He just wanted to keep them, and their cute little behaviors and quirks, and just end anyone else who talked to them- no. Stop it, Pen!

O/N looked over at Pen. They loved them a kind anxious guy, and shamelessly started swooning. I mean, what else are were they supposed to do? Hide their feelings? Nah, that's for nerds.

Y/FC spoke up with them, distracting them from their simping.

He nervously looked over. He couldn't hear what was being said. What if Y/FC was taking O/N from him? His thoughts were filling with.. murder? No, Pen, stop it!! Those thoughts were bad. Horrible. Why was he getting that over someone he hasn't even met!

He shook off the thoughts, trying to hold them back. He needed to at least say hi and meet them before he thought like that. And killing people?! He still stuck on to his old team's beliefs slightly, so was mostly averse to murder.



Over the next few days, he wanted to say hi, he really did, but he was too nervous. The obsession filling his head was too much, and he feared the worst. What if he went crazy or something? What if he hurt someone he cared about? His breathing quickened and quickened until-

O/N: "Damnnnn are you single??"

That was an unexpected first impression. Turning his head over to O/N next to him. Pen factory, their eyes were beautiful. It was like staring into shimmering stars.

Pen: "What?"

O/N: "You're cute and I want to date you."

Pen blushed. People usually weren't that blunt with him. But he definitely wasn't opposed.

Pen: "Uh.. are you sure? I-"

O/N: "Yes."

O/N spoke with all of the confidence in the word. They had no shame. They just wanted to be with this man.

Pen: "Ok?"

Pen wasn't going to let this opportunity go. I mean, not every day that the person you're obsessed with just asks to date you.




The next few weeks were actually really nice. Pen was having fun with O/N. It was fun, but he kept noticing them talking to Y/FC every so often. Despite trying to stay calm, he couldn't help the thoughts. He couldn't take it anymore.

So, when O/N invited them to sleepover for fun, he couldn't help himself.

He didn't want to let Y/FC get close to O/N.

O/N had to go to the bathroom. Leaving Pen and Y/FC alone.

Pen started to think. Those obsessive thought coursed through his veins. He completely blacked out, he couldn't remember a thing that happened.

His eyes opened. He was shocked to find a bloody mess. O/N was standing in the blood, not horrified at all, trying to get him to wake up.

O/N: "Thank goodness you're awake! You passed out!"

Pen: "What- what happened?"

O/N: "Well from what I assumed some murderer broke in, knocked you out, killed Y/FC, and then ran off."

Pen's heart sunk. They didn't suspect him. He knew deep down that his hands were unclean.

Pen: "I.. I.."

O/N: "But hey, you're ok! You're all that matters right now."

Pen breathed in, and out. Okay. At least he got away with it.

O/N pulled him into a hug. Pen started crying. Tears burst out of his eyes. It broke his heart that they were unaware. But.. he couldn't afford to lose them.

And a part of him.. liked the blood.


A/N: dies why are there so many new requests aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Total word count: 692
Updated word count: 703

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