Up in the clouds: Flirty!Bell x Reader

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Requested by- @2025062a

O/N: Y/N but osc

This happens in winter if global warming didn't exist (aka snow)

A/N- aaaaaagggghhhh here's a story sorry it took a bit
also sorry if I don't get the flirty part fully down bc I can't make good rizz


O/N was playing on their phone, kind of bored. They never really payed too much attention to life, just taking the easy route. Sure, the face they saw in the mirror didn't feel like theirs, but it was the price they paid for sifting by.

But there was one thing stopping them from being completely apathetic.


No matter how much they tried to shut themselves out, they always found themselves flustered by her flirty remarks. It always snapped them back to reality.

It was annoying, sure, but they couldn't say that they totally hated it. Getting the attention was nice. They didn't show it though, as there was still that tiny bit of them that hoped that she would stop.

Another day of O/N barely acknowledging her. Bell was kind of annoyed it. She'd been trying to hint that she had a crush on them, but they didn't seem to pick up or respond. It got on her nerves, but the light blush that touched their cheeks reassured her to keep going.

One day though, she was tired of doing it over and over again. She wrote up a note (somehow) and passed it to them (again somehow) with a wink.

Meet me outside in a few minutes, cutie <3


O/N was confused on why she couldn't have just said to, but whatever. Not like they had anything to do anyways. They trudged outside, the snow knee-deep. They felt a little bad disturbing the pristine blanket of fresh powder, but they were too curious to not.

Bell was there, as expected, but it seemed like she was angry about something? Weird. They didn't remember doing anything wrong.

O/N: "So, what did you want?"

Bell: "I thought it would be obvious considering the last few weeks, but you just haven't picked up!"

O/N: "uhhh.. sorry?"

Bell: "Ugh! You can't even take a guess?"

O/N: "It's your birthday? I don't know."

Bell: "No, you idiot! I love you, okay? I love you so much!"

O/N was shocked, confused on why someone like Bell would actually care for them. They were just in the background.

Bell: "Just tell me that you hate me and that all of this was for nothing! I know I'm being stupid!"

O/N: "I.. I feel the same.."

Bell: "Yeah, you- Wait, what?"

O/N: "I just.. didn't know why someone as great as you would talk to someone like me.. I was confused, so I didn't do anything.."

Bell: "Wow. I'm sorry for yelling at you."

O/N just ran up and hugged Bell. Although the cold feeling of the metal caused a little discomfort, it was worth it to finally put their feelings into action.

Bell would've hugged back, but she didn't really have the arms or legs to. She just smiled, moving up as to get them to hop onto her string.

Bell: "So, how about we see the skies together, hmm?"

O/N nodded happily, hanging onto the string. Bell had already seen the skies many times before, but it felt different with someone else there. The winter skies were always much prettier, although colder.

O/N was in awe at the sky so high up. They would have been scared, but they were reassured by the presence of Bell reassured them.

And for once, up in the clouds, they didn't want the moment to fade away.


Total word count: 626

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