Chapter Two - There's Nothing Wrong With A Rivalry

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Emily's POV:

It was the second day of A-Troupe. Today's the day for choosing the Dance Captain.

Obviously I'm going to compete for it. I think Noah will too even though he's the youngest.

"Alright dancers" Kate starts, "Who wants to compete for Dance Captain?"

I immediately raise my hand. I look around and see nobody else with their hand in the air.

As Kate goes to declare me DC, Michelle raises her hand.

Game on.

Alright so guys pick you team, you have 2 hours.

"Noah, Riley, Thalia, Amanda and West." I say before Michelle can even get a word in.

"Okay then I have Giselle, Hunter, James, Eldon and sorry I've forgotten your name." Michelle says, embarrassed.

"Daniel." He replies.

I look at Michelle, seeing she's a little nervous so I whisper to her "You'll do great, okay?"

She smiles and nods.

"We'll take Studio B guys, Michelle can have Studio A." I say.

My team seems to be cool with that so we head to the music room.

(2 hours later)

Both teams are prepared so I head to Studio A to compete.

Michelle's dancers go first. They dance to "Work."

Mine dance to "A-Side."

Miss Kate claps after we finish.

"Thank you guys so much. Michelle you done a great job but I think we're gonna go with Emily." Kate said.

I was ecstatic! I was Dance Captain again!

I look over and see Michelle smiling weakly.

I automatically lose my smile. This must've really meant a lot to her.

"Michelle!" I say, walking over to her, "Your dance was incredible."

"Thanks Emily, you deserve it." She replies.

"Juice?" I ask her.

She nods.

I grab her hand and drag her gently to the juice bar with me.

Michelle's POV:

Emily bought me a juice. She was really caring.

"So why are you upset?" She asked me.

"I just really wanted to prove myself." I say.

"You don't have to." Emily says touching my hand, comforting me. "You being here is enough."

Michelle Talking Head:

When Emily touches my hand, I began to think there was a moment there.

Michelle's POV:

"Anyway... congratulations on becoming Dance Captain. I know you'll lead the team to victory." I say with a smile.

"Thank you Michelle." She says.

Emily moves closer to me and whispers "I really think we're gonna be best friends."

"Yeah I think we are." I reply.

I lean onto her shoulder and she puts her arm around me, holding me close.

I could sit there for hours.

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