Chapter Seven - All I Want Is You

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Emily's POV:

It was a week later. I had refused to go to dance class.

I couldn't face it.

I couldn't face Michelle.

How could I have been so stupid?

I looked at my phone.

7 missed calls, 18 text messages from Michelle.

What does she want?

She left me a voice mail. My hand shakes as I put it up to my ear to listen to it.

"Hey Em, it's uh... it's Michelle. Everyone misses you at the studio. I do especially. Listen... what went down at West's house shouldn't come between our friendship. You're my best friend. Even though it's only been a few weeks I know we really connected."

I hear West and James in the background shouting. They weren't shouting anything at Michelle. Just making random noises.

"Guys please be quiet!! Anyway uhh I'm guessing you're sick? I hope you feel better soon. I also know you'll respect my decision and we can stay best friends. Miss ya, love ya bestie."

Michelle blew a kiss down the phone before the voicemail cuts off.

Of course I wanted to respect her decision but I also wanted to be with her.

I call her back.

She picks up almost instantly.

"Em? Hey what's up?"

"We need to meet. After you finish rehearsal."

"Okay how about my place? My parents won't be home so it'll be private so we can talk."

"Sounds good. 7.30pm?"

"Yeah, just ring the doorbell when you get there. I'll be ready to open the door."

"Okay... bye."


"Wait! Mich-"

She had already hung up.

I guess the universe didn't want me to say anything. It probably wasn't the right time anyway.

Emily Talking Head:

Honestly... I didn't even know what I was gonna say. But if she hadn't hung up... never mind.

Emily POV:

I sat and watched the clock for hours.

After what felt like years of waiting it was finally 7pm.

I quickly got dressed. I wore a crop top, jeans and a cute pair of shoes.

I threw my hair back into a ponytail and went to my car.

After around 20 minutes of driving I arrived at Michelle's.

It was 7.35pm. I sat in my car for a solid 5 minutes, trying to find the courage to go to the door.

I finally got out of my car and walked up to the door.

I shook my hands trying to get rid of the nerves.

I knew exactly what I had to do.

I took a deep breath and rung the doorbell.

Michelle's POV:

I got home around 7.15pm and went straight to the clock to watch it.

When it hit 7.30pm I got really excited but the doorbell didn't ring.

I waited and waited and waited.

She wasn't coming.

I leave my room and go downstairs to get a glass of water.

As I head to the kitchen the doorbell rings.

I sprint to the door and don't stop in time, hitting my head on the door and cutting it.

I open the door.

"Hey Em. I didn't think you were gonna co-"

I was cut off by her pushing me back onto the wall, shutting the door behind her.

She kissed me forcefully but passionately.

I was taken aback but enjoyed it.

After a few seconds she stopped.

"Michelle! What happened to your head? You're bleeding." She says concerned.

"It doesn't matter." I reply spinning us around so she's against the wall.

I kiss her and after a while I slip my tongue into her mouth and we make out for a while.

Before we know it it's 7.55pm.

We go to the couch and sit down.

"That was ummm..." she begins.

"Nice?" I ask.

She smiles and nods.

"Emily... you know I like you right?" I say.

"Then why don't you date me?" She asks.

"I-I'm just not ready to come out yet." I reply.

"Then don't." She begins. "But you can still date me."

"What? Like... behind everyone's back?" I ask.

"Well I wasn't gonna put it quite like that... but yeah." She says.

"It can be our little secret." She continues.

I think about it for a minute then smile.

"I like that." I say.

She puts an arm around me and pulls me closer, kissing my forehead.

She touches my cut gently.

"Let's get that cleaned up." She says.

I nod and she takes me to the kitchen.

She had been to my house a few times before so she knew where most things were, including the first aid kit.

I sat down in a chair and she cleaned my cut.

After Emily finished she kissed me softly.

"I better go." She says.

I nod sadly.

"See you in class tomorrow?" I ask.

"Always." She replies before kissing my cheek and leaving.

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