Chapter Fourteen - It's All A Mess, Em

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Emily's POV:

I was stunned. I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. She looked different. And not just because she was older... it was a kind of sad difference. Like life had hit her with something really hard and she couldn't take it. But she was still as beautiful as ever.


Emily looked at Michelle in awe. All she could see was Michelle's beauty. She ignored everyone else in the room. It was at this moment she realised she liked Michelle. She walked away from the table A-Troupe was sitting at. She needed time to think. This was definitely more than a crush. It was then Emiy realised she was bisexual. She didn't want anyone to know... especially Michelle. She watched Michelle from a distance. She really liked her and she knew this would cause her trouble in the future.


Emily's POV:

"I suppose you're wondering what I'm doing here." She says to me.

"Well... maybe a bit..." I reply, struggling to get my words out.

She burst into tears. I felt awkward but stood up anyway and hugged her. I still feel the same butterflies I did the first time I ever hugged her. She didn't let go of my hug until I did, and believe me I didn't want to. I pushed her hair back and pulled over the other chair and sat her down.

"What's wrong?" I ask her, wiping away her tears.

"It's all a mess, Em. I-i have nowhere to go." She says.

"Hey... it's okay. Tell me everything." I take her hand. "I'm here okay... and I'm not leaving."

"A-after I left you I went back to Madison. I seen a girl I knew while I was here. We started hanging out and soon after we started dating." She said.

My heart sunk. I hadn't dated anyone since Michelle and it was a bit of a shock Michelle moved on from me, even though I expected it. I just didn't want it to happen.

"You knew her from here?" I asked. "D-do I know her?"

She nods. "You remember Stephanie? F-from B-Troupe."

I did know Stephanie. She was my best friend when we were around 10.

"Umm... yeah I remember her. So where is she now?" I ask.

Michelle burst into tears again. "W-well a few days ago... I decided to finally come out to my parents. I had been hiding it for 6 years. A-and they didn't accept me. S-so I went to Stephanie's and she didn't want to be with me if my parents didn't accept us being together. I-i didn't know where to go. I knew none of my other family members would accept me and the only other place I could think of was here." She says, her voice breaking.

"Okay uh- listen. You can come back to mine, get a shower and you can crash on my couch." I say, sympathising with her.

I was furious but I knew I had to do what was right and help her, regardless of how I felt.

"Really?" She asks in disbelief.

"Yes! I can't just abandon you!" I say.

I take her hands to comfort her.

She looks down at our hands. "I didn't come back because of you Em. I-i still love Steph."

"I know. I just want to let you know I'm here for you." My heart completely broke. I thought maybe there was a small bit of her that still liked me... but I guess not.

I take her to my car and lock up the studio before driving her to my apartment.

I open the door and let her in.

Michelle's POV:

I look around her apartment. It wasn't like I had expected it to be. It was nice but... I still preferred Stephanie's.

"So umm... the bathroom is through there. You can uh- shower or whatever." Emily says awkwardly.

"Thanks but I think I'll just shower in the morning." I say.

She nods. "So uh- I hope the place is ok for you." She says.

Emily Talking Head:

When I was 16 I always wanted to decorate my home amazingly. But I imagined doing it with Michelle...

Michelle's POV:

"Yeah it's cool." I say to her.

I walk over to her fireplace, looking at her pictures. There was one of her and Riley, one of A-Troupe when I was there and there was one hidden at the back.

I lifted it up and looked at it. It was me and her... the day we became co-captains.

"Oh uh yeah ummm... we were best friends at one point remember? I haven't really had another best friend so that's uh- why it's uh there." Emily says.

I nod and put it back. "That was a good day."

"You remember which day that was? She asks.

"Yeah... how could I forget? The best day of my life well... apart from my days with Stephanie." I say, tearing up again thinking about her.

She sits down on the couch and I sit beside her.

"You really miss her don't you?" She asks me.

I nod. "Yeah."

I lean on Emily's shoulder as she puts an arm around me.

"So your parents... they didn't like it when you came out as bisexual?" She asks me.

"Lesbian, actually. And no. They went crazy." I tell her.

"Then they are very stupid." She says. "You uh- you can take my bed, you need a better sleep than I do."

"No no it's your bed." I say.

"Well I'm not sleeping in it." She says.

I didn't want to argue with her so I went into her room and climbed into the bed.

"Ohhh a double bed?" I say.

"You know I like being comfortable." She says grabbing a blanket and a pillow.

"Emily... why were you still at the studio?" I ask her.

"I'm uh- I'm studio head." She replies.

"Oh that's cool." I say. "C-can I come with you tomorrow... keep me busy."

"Of course you can. I could do with the help anyway. Goodnight Michelle." She says before closing the door.

I'm very grateful Emily took me to hers but it didn't feel right. I should be with Stephanie right now. I lay there thinking of Steph before crying myself to sleep.

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