Chapter One - The New Girl

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This is not based on Season 1. There are dancers from several seasons in this so it's not set in any particular year. Although, most of the characters are 16, except Richelle, Noah, Abi and Chad who are 15.

Emily's POV:

I hated life. My boyfriend, Hunter, had recently broken up with me as "I wasn't a good enough dancer". I didn't speak to anyone after that. Everyone began to hate me. I was being mean as that's my defence mechanism. I've tried to stop but I can't. I can't open up and let people see I'm hurting.

A-Troupe auditions were today. I was Dance Captain last year so I'm hoping to be this year too, although that chance is very low at the moment.

Kate and Chris come out and tell us who's in each group.

"Okay Group 1 will be: James, Beth, Charlie, Giselle and Noah." Kate smiles.

"Group 2: Riley, Chloe, West, Daniel and Tiffany." Chris reads out.

"Group 3: Stephanie, Eldon, Hunter, Richelle and Thalia." Kate says.

"And last but not least," Chris says, "Group 4: Amanda, Abi, Chad, Emily and Michelle."

Emily Talking Head:

Who's Michelle? She's certainly not in B or J-Troupe.

Surely she can't just waltz in here and audition. Can she?

Emily's POV:

The next thing I know a really stunning girl walks in. Her hair is a beautiful blonde colour and her skin was flawless. A-am I crushing?

Emily Talking Head:

I take back everything I said about how she can't audition. She can take my spot if she wants.

Emily's POV:

I walk over and introduce myself.

"Hey, I'm Emily."

"Michelle." She replies with a smile.

I stare at her for a moment before snapping out of it, hoping she didn't notice.

"Oh yeah ummm... you're in Group 4. With me, Amanda, Abi and Chad."

I point to the 3 dancers as Michelle nods her head.

"I should introduce myself to some of the other dancers." Michelle says.

"I'll come with you." I blurt out suddenly.

Why am I acting like this!? Pull yourself together Emily!

Michelle's POV:

I walk in late to the auditions as I got lost. Almost immediately I am greeted by the most beautiful girl I ever laid eyes on. Her eyes were like blue pools that you could easily get lost in.

She introduces herself and I introduce myself back.

She looks at me and soon her look turns into a stare which lingers longer than it should.

She seems nervous. It's probably just the auditions.

To stop the awkwardness I tel, her I should go meet some other dancers.

She says she should come with me and obviously I'm not going to refuse spending more time with her.

Michelle Talking Head:

Is it bad that I wanna kiss her right after I've just met her.

Don't tell her I said that!

Michelle's POV:

After I introduce myself to everyone the auditions begin. Everyone is so talented.

Soon it is my group's turn.

Emily dances 4th, just before me. She's... incredible.

Emily's POV:

I'm trying moves I've never even done before. I just want to impress Michelle.

I finish off with a 'double back handspring layout' which is the most advanced move I've ever done. I nailed it.

I guess Michelle should be around more often.

Michelle takes to the floor and she is unstoppable. Where did this girl come from!?

Emily Talking Head:

Probably Heaven.

Emily's POV:

Michelle finishes with a really powerful hair whip and then Kate and Chris clap and go to their office to discuss.

"Hey ummm... do you wanna go to Squeezed and get some juice?" I ask Michelle.

"Of course!" She says with a smile on her face.

We sit in the juice bar for around 30 mins just laughing and chatting about silly things.

West comes down and tells us that Kate and Chris are about to put up the board for the final A-Troupe.

Michelle hops up off the sofa and I try to get up but I'm too exhausted.

Michelle automatically grabs my hand and pulls me up.

I get goosebumps. It was just so... magical.

Michelle Talking Head:

When Emily can't get up I see that as a sign. The universe is telling me to grab her hand and help her. So I did. The connection between us was undeniable.

Hopefully I'll find another excuse soon to hold her hand again.

Emily POV:

We go back to Studio A and look at the notice board Kate had just pinned up:

Final A-Troupe













We made A-Troupe together!

"I'm so glad I get to work with you this season. Your solo was insane." I say to Michelle.

"Thanks, same here." She replies opening her arms for a hug.

I hesitate at first but soon I find myself hugging her back, feeling her warm embrace.

This season is gonna be amazing.

My Girl (Michemily)Where stories live. Discover now