Chapter 5

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Derek had been completely in his head ever since that night he jerked off and thought about Stiles. And the Facebook friend request? What the hell was that about? He was just going to avoid Stiles at this point...which maybe wasn't the best approach considering Stiles was still his student, but he didn't really have any better ideas. He just needed to focus on working out and staying busy. It'd be a lot easier to stay busy if he had friends...

He'd gone to the bar with Peter Friday, not having prior knowledge to this new "college night" thing they were now doing. At first it wasn't too bad, but by like 10 PM the place was filled with students and there was a live band now. Derek had never been a concert guy; too many people. He liked listening to music alone in the car or while working out. But this band was clearly just a handful of 19-year-olds who sounded like this was there first gig outside their parents' garage. God, he sounded like a bitter old man. He really needed to just relax. But it was weird, sitting here drinking and watching his students get shit-faced and make out with each other and play pool and adults. Derek wasn't sure when he'd get used to that. Maybe in 5 years when he was in his 30s and the students were still in their late teens-early 20s it'd feel more normal, and maybe he'd be friends with some other professors by then, too.

Derek had seen Stiles and Scott show up with some other students. He recognized Malia Tate from his World Literature class and Kira Yukimura from English Comp 1, but the guy in the fancy scarf with them was a mystery. Stiles was pounding drinks like his life depended on it, and Derek needed to stop staring. This was too much, it was too crowded and loud and just...too much.

"I'm gonna head out," Derek said to Peter, having to practically yell over the music and crowds.

"Okay," Peter replied, barely paying attention. He'd been chatting up some college girl for the past 20 minutes, so Derek doubt he'd even really notice his nephew's absence.

Derek went to the bathroom before he left, and as he was washing his hands Stiles flung the door open, stumbling forward. What was this, a repeat of what happened last week? "What do you want now Stiles?" he asked impatiently. He just wanted to go home.

"," he muttered. Jesus, the guy could barely stand up straight. Now he was just murmuring incoherently.

Derek opened his mouth to ask what that even meant, but before he could Stiles' mouth was on his. His eyes widened as Stiles kissed him, tasting like blue curacao and pineapple juice. It completely caught him off guard, and he grabbed Stiles' arms as the guy clumsily pushed him backward.

He pushed Stiles forward, but still held his arms to avoid having him fall over and get a concussion or something. "Hey, no, we're not doing this," Derek said in a nervous tone. Thank god the bathroom was empty right now or else he'd really be in trouble. All it'd take would be one student seeing them and deciding to tell the Dean and then his career would be over before it even began. And he could forget about going back to teaching high school. Getting fired for having an affair with your student? It didn't matter that Stiles was 21, it didn't even matter what the circumstances were, that it was just one kiss. All it takes is one person saying one thing and suddenly rumors would fly and it'd spin out of control. Someone would say they saw Stiles and Derek kissing, then by the time it got to the Dean, someone would be saying they saw the two of them fucking in one of the stalls.

Derek stepped around Stiles, leaning him against the sink and leaving the bathroom. Stiles grabbed his arm. "No wait hang on," he said, but Derek jerked his arm away.

"No," Derek repeated, quickly leaving and making his way through the sea of people to go to his car. It was so much quieter outside, thankfully. As soon as he unlocked the car, he heard footsteps behind him. Stiles was stumbling over to him. Jesus Christ this guy...

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