Chapter 7

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Stiles was extremely worried when Derek didn't show up for class both Tuesday and Wednesday. Was he gonna leave the school, quit his job? That was the last thing Stiles wanted, so as much as he didn't want to...maybe he should just tell Derek he'd leave him alone. On Thursday he was back, and that plan went out the window as all Stiles could do was stare at him and think about the closet. God...he just wanted more, he wanted so much more. Derek had way more to lose than him, so maybe he was just being selfish. But Derek wanted him too, or he wouldn't have given him a handjob. The feelings were mutual, Stiles knew it.

He tried to talk to Derek after class ended, but he just ignored Stiles. Seriously? He followed him through the hall and out to the parking lot, to which Derek spun around and scolded him for following him. He was just trying to explain he wasn't gonna tell but he couldn't even get one fucking word in. It was frustrating, but the way Derek just kept saying "no" was hotter than it should've been.

So maybe it was a little stalkerish...okay maybe a lot stalkerish, but he just wanted to explain! So he went to Derek's house that night, and, went in a much different direction than he'd planned. Stiles wound up on his knees, just kind of acting on instinct rather than overthinking. With the way Derek pulled him inside and was kissing him...there was no doubt in Stiles' mind he'd be fully on board with this.

Stiles had Derek's dick in his hand when he jerked him off, but he hadn't actually seen it. Kneeling in front of was even bigger than he thought. The type of dick you'd see in a porno. It was kind of intimidating, if he was being honest. There was no way he could fit the entire thing in his mouth. And what if Derek thought he was terrible at blowjobs because of it? But the minute Derek suggested he "didn't have to", Stiles did have to. All he wanted was to make Derek feel good, so he'd just figure it out.

He'd only choked once when he'd tried to go down a little too far, but using his hand to compensate what his mouth couldn't take seemed to do the trick. This was so hot, it felt so fucking good to suck him off, to taste him, to look up and see the pleasure all over his face. The way his cheeks were flushed, eyes closed, with soft moans escaping his lips. Stiles' own dick was aching, begging to be touched. He was a multitasker, so he managed to unzip his jeans with his other hand and jerk himself off.

Before he knew it, he was coming, but tried his best not to stop blowing Derek while doing so. Surprisingly, it worked. Then not long after, Derek came too. He gripped Stiles' hair tightly – which Stiles was definitely gonna need Derek to pull his hair again the next time this happened – and came in his mouth. It caught Stiles off guard, feeling it shoot down his throat, but he just went with it and swallowed, trying his absolute best to not choke. It felt amazing. The taste was strange, a little salty. But not bad. Now he knew what come tasted like, and judging by the look on Derek's face, he seemed to like Stiles swallowing just as much as he did. He was learning now, the things Derek liked. His turn-ons. This was good.

And then he just had to say some stupid shit and ruin everything. Derek literally threw him out of the apartment and locked the door. "Nice going, Stiles. Solid work," he said to himself as he walked back to his jeep. He couldn't even really sulk, though; he was too busy reveling in what just happened. His first blowjob – well, the first blowjob he'd given – and it was with Derek. This night was one of the best nights of his life.

He couldn't tell Scott. He told Scott everything, but he couldn't tell him this. He promised Derek he wouldn't tell anyone, but Stiles was also freaking out – from excitement this time. He needed to talk to someone, and he knew just the right person. Scott was his best friend, his brother really, but the guy was also kinda...dumb. Well, not dumb, but he could be pretty clueless sometimes. If he told Scott, he'd not only get scolded and lectured a hundred times, but there'd also be a risk that Scott would accidentally blab to Isaac or Kira or something. Stiles just couldn't risk it. But there was a person who he knew was phenomenal at keeping secrets: Malia.

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