Chapter 6

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Derek was drinking whiskey tonight, because he needed something much stronger than beer. It was Friday night, about 24 hours since Stiles had given him a blowjob. Stiles had given him a fucking blowjob. This was bad, so bad. It was good, but bad. And he didn't know what to do now. It'd happened twice, and he just knew it'd happen again. Stiles had his address; there was no way to avoid the guy. He'd probably find the obsessive behavior creepy if he wasn't just as attracted to Stiles as he was to Derek.

The bar was busier than normal, but then again it was Friday. At least they weren't doing college night this time. Apparently it was every other weekend, thank god. He was usually there during the week, but he had to get out of the house and get a drink out in public, even if it was with Peter, who was on his phone like normal. "Peter," Derek said, nudging his uncle.

"Yeah?" Peter replied, not even looking up.

"I did something...not good."

At that, Peter did look up. "Oh really? What "not good" thing did you do?"

Derek sighed, finishing off his whiskey and holding his hand up to order another. "I...I hooked up with someone."

Peter swiveled around to face Derek, setting his phone on the bar and leaning forward. "You "hooked up" with someone? What is this, high school? Just say you fucked, or had sex if you wanna get technical about it."

Derek just glared at him. "We didn't have sex. We just...did other things. Twice now."

"Who is it?"

"Not important," Derek replied a little too quickly.

"So it's a secret? Is he married or something?" Peter asked, even more intrigued now. Was it a mistake talking to him about this? Peter knew how to be discreet...but Derek didn't trust him. He was a shady guy. Derek didn't even know what he did for a living, just that he had a lot of connections in Beacon Hills and extending out to nearby towns. But Derek also didn't have any friends, and though he was typically a private person, he needed to get it off his chest.

"No, not married," he said, thinking about how Chris was married, but that wasn't happening ever again. Derek had barely even thought about Chris in the last few weeks; Stiles was all that'd been on his mind.

" why is this a bad thing exactly?"

"Because it', unethical?"

"Unethical how?"

Derek groaned. "Because I could lose my fucking job, that's how," he finally admitted.

Peter's eyes widened as a surprised smirk grew on his face. "Are you fucking a student?" he asked in a lower voice, leaning forward.

"No, I'm not fucking a student!" Derek basically whisper-yelled that. He needed to relax, but all he could think about right now was whether or not he'd just made the second biggest mistake of his life by telling Peter. The first biggest mistake being, well, hooking up with Stiles, obviously.

"Well then who else could you be fucking that's unethical and putting your job at risk?"

Derek sighed deeply. "I told you, I'm not fucking anyone."

"Okay fine, sexually involved. That better? I'm not saying hooking up, I refuse to refer to two adults doing anything sexual as "hooking up"."

"Why are you like this?" he asked annoyingly. "Yes, okay? Yes. We're sexually involved."

"So is he just a student, or your student?"

Derek put his face in his hands. "My student," he mumbled.

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