Chapter 12

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Stiles was a sex addict now.

Not literally, of course. But he definitely felt like one after the weekend he had. When he woke up Saturday he was sore, but it was a good kind of soreness. As bad as he did want to have sex again that day, it might be a good thing Derek was making him wait until Sunday. And why did he say they couldn't today? What plans did he have? No, Stiles couldn't go down that road again; there was no reason to now! They'd had sex, it was amazing, and Derek wanted to see him tomorrow. Everything was perfect.

Stiles managed to distract himself with video games most of Saturday, and then went to the movies with Scott. Sunday came, finally, and Stiles went over to Derek's at 9 again. It was like their designated time now. They had sex again, pretty much the same position except this time Stiles stayed on all fours the whole time. It was incredible, and Derek was so sweet the whole time. Same on Monday, when Stiles came over again. That time Derek had him bent over the bed at the edge, and Derek fucked him from behind while standing up instead of kneeling on the bed. It hurt every time in the beginning, like Derek told him it would, but it got more manageable, like he knew what to expect now. He'd started thinking about other positions they could try. How exactly experimental was Derek?

Unfortunately, there was a problem. The group was going to Vegas for spring break, and they were supposed to leave Wednesday morning. It was an eight hour drive and they were renting a big SUV so they could all go. Even Lydia was flying in from Massachusetts. But Stiles didn't wanna go now. It was ironic how much shit he gave Scott for being so focused on his girlfriend, and yet Stiles was now wanting to ditch his spring break plans to stay behind and have sex with Derek as much as possible. But there was no way he could get out of it: they'd been planning this trip since last fall. Everyone was staying at the Venetian Hotel; Scott and Stiles got a room together to save money, Malia and Lydia got their own room, and Isaac got one all to himself. They'd already paid for everything, so if he backed out Scott would literally kill him. But maybe he could come up with an excuse, a reason that's big enough for him to stay behind.

Tuesday morning, when Stiles got back from his shower, Scott was sitting on his bed toying with his thumbs. He looked...guilty. "You okay?" Stiles asked, tossing his towel in the hamper and setting the shower caddy on the floor.

"I need to talk to you about something," Scott said quietly, voice filled with anxiety.

Stiles froze for a moment. Did Scott know about him and Derek? Was this a confrontation? Don't jump to conclusions Stiles, he thought to himself. He sat down in the desk chair, spinning it to face Scott. "What's up?" he asked calmly.

"So...uh..." Scott ran a hand through his hair, looking at the floor. "Kira didn't have any spring break plans. And...I really want her to come with us. I know it's last minute, but I just feel really bad leaving her behind. She doesn't have many friends outside our group."

Stiles breathed a sigh of relief, smiling and leaning forward to pat Scott's leg. "Hey, that's fine. Kira can come. Why would that even be an issue? There's room for one more person in the car."

"The room, Stiles. We already booked the room. And it's the Venetian so it's not like they're gonna have any last minute rooms available to switch to."

"Oh." This was his chance. It was the perfect opportunity. "Right. Well, this kinda works out actually. I was thinking about staying behind anyway, so now Kira can just take my place."

Scott stared at him with wide eyes. "What?! Stay behind? Why?!"

" dad. He has a case that's really getting to him right now. He hasn't been sleeping a lot and I'm just worried." Stiles felt kinda bad using his dad as an excuse; his dad had been perfectly fine lately, but Scott was there those times in the past when a case would get to Stiles' dad like that, and it was the only excuse he had.

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