Chapter 11

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The whole butt plug incident had Stiles scarred for life. And Derek laughing at him...god it was humiliating. He felt like such an idiot, so embarrassed, so he opted to skip the rest of his classes that day and just go home and sleep. He really needed some sleep. On Tuesday, Scott forced him to get up and go to classes, much to Stiles' chagrin. He attended, but didn't pay attention at all. Derek didn't text him that day, and he barely looked at Stiles in Latin. Maybe Derek just wasn't interested anymore; maybe his stupid mistake with the plug ruined everything. Typical Stiles: ruining things before they even start. He wanted Derek to be his first...but maybe he shouldn't be. Maybe Stiles should just hook up with some random dude, get it over with, and then Derek would like that he had experience. That actually wasn't a bad idea...

The cool thing about college was you could find a party every night, no matter the day. Didn't matter if you had class the next morning, there was always a party somewhere. So when Stiles asked around and managed to learn of a house party someone was throwing off campus, he texted the group chat about it.

SS: house party tonight! Who's in?

IL: sorry gotta study. Midterms next week and my grades aren't where they need to be

KY: same. Well not about the grades, mine are really good. I meant the studying part.

SM: I should help Kira study

IL: riiiiiight. "study"

SM: No really! I need to study too

MT: you really do Scott, I've seen your grades

SM: really?

SS: so all of you are seriously staying in to study when we could be at a party drinking and having fun?

IL: I can count on one hand the amount of times you've been to a party with us this semester Stiles. It's a Tuesday, how about we wait til the weekend?

MT: I don't need to study, I'll come

KY: you sure you don't need to study Malia?

MT: yeah I'll be fine. I'll just study this weekend.

SS: AWESOME! I'll swing by your dorm at 8 and we can ride together

MT: kay

Stiles and Malia got to the party around 9. It wasn't anything crazy, maybe thirty or so people, but it had free beer that Malia made a B-line for as soon as she saw it. Stiles glanced around the house, observing everyone. Most people were just chatting, red solo cups in hand. There was music playing but it wasn't very loud. The house was pretty fancy; it was in Lydia's neighborhood, so whoever was throwing this party had to be rich. Would he be able to find someone to hook up with here? And if he did...could he go through with it?

As the night went on, more people started showing up. The music got louder, people got drunker, and it started to feel like a real party. Stiles had a few drinks in his system now, and was feeling much looser. He met some guy in the living room; they were sitting on the couch talking and laughing. And flirting. As the guy talked about his interest in becoming a psychologist, Stiles couldn't help but think about Derek. What would Derek think about this? Him flirting with another guy? Would he be upset? Would he be jealous? Nah, Derek didn't seem like a jealous guy. He was too aloof and detached. Maybe that was another part of what drew him to Derek, just another layer of unattainability.

It was dumb, thinking Derek would think anything about it in a negative way. Stiles was doing this so Derek would be happy that he had experience. Then the butt plug situation would be in the past, it wouldn't matter. Derek wouldn't see Stiles as just some inexperienced naïve dork. But also...what if Stiles was wrong? What if Derek was upset? What if he didn't like that Stiles had slept with another guy right before they slept together? Stiles knew if Derek hooked up with someone else he'd be pretty upset...but that's stupid. He shouldn't be, he has no right to be. It's not like there's feelings involved; it's just hooking up.

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