Chapter 9

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Stiles left a fucking hickey. He left a hickey and Derek hadn't even noticed the morning after they almost had sex and then it got ruined by Scott incessantly calling Stiles. It was just under his collar, so by the time he'd showered and gotten dressed that morning, when he looked in the mirror it was hidden. It wasn't until he'd gone to the bathroom after English lit finished that he noticed it, and god was he furious.

He'd texted Stiles to come over that night, planning to end things. And he used his old phone that wasn't in his name anymore, in case someone else saw the text. Derek had no doubt in his mind Stiles had saved his number in his phone, and probably put Derek's actual name because that's just the kind of careless thing Stiles would do, like leaving a hickey. It was just too risky to continue, and that's what he was gonna tell Stiles. But of course, instead of successfully ending their little dalliances...they ended up in Derek's bed. When Stiles confessed he'd never had sex with a guy, that was Derek's out. He could've just said he didn't want to sleep with someone so inexperienced, and that would've been that. But for some reason...he just couldn't. Derek could see the embarrassment and anxiety written all over Stiles' face, and if he'd said that? It'd probably snuff out all confidence he had.

So instead, Derek fingered him. And he wasn't sure when it happened, but sometime during it, when Stiles' eyes were closed and Derek was just watching him completely come undone with pleasure, Derek realized why he couldn't say no. Why every time he'd ended it, they'd end up fucking around anyway. Derek liked him. Not like, feelings or anything, but he liked him. He liked Stiles. He was annoying as hell and stupid...but also funny and sweet, and really smart too? How the guy managed to be both smart and stupid at the same time eluded Derek, but Stiles was just unlike anyone he'd ever known.

Afterward, he'd told Stiles about butt plugs and explained what he needed to do to prepare himself before they were gonna have sex. Apparently he was still Stiles' teacher in the bedroom as well...but he wasn't actually all that upset about it oddly enough. The guys Derek dated and hooked up with in college weren't really receptive to him, and didn't even really care about what he had to say for the most part. As corny as it sounded, and he'd never admit it aloud, Derek liked that Stiles listened to him.

Nothing eventful happened Tuesday; Derek had a quiet night in with Penelope, CSI, and Chinese takeout. But that was a trip. Derek felt kind of bad for laughing when Stiles explained the whole vibrating plug debacle, but he couldn't help it. How does someone accidentally buy a vibrating plug instead of a normal one? Derek had never bought one himself, but it couldn't be that difficult to discern the two, right? It was hilarious...and also kind of adorable.

When Stiles came back about 10 minutes after leaving to go take the plug out, he grabbed his stuff and quickly made his way to the door, face reddened. Derek caught his arm. "Are you okay?" he asked genuinely.

Stiles nodded, avoiding eye contact. "Yep, fine. Can I go? I'm late for psychology."

Derek released him, furrowing his brow in confusion. "Yeah. Uh, I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you," Stiles replied tersely before leaving the room. Well that was weird. Stiles had never been that curt with him before. Maybe he was still embarrassed?

Derek almost texted Stiles to come over that night, but decided against it. Instead, he hopped on Facebook, realizing he really needed friends. He wasn't the most social person, but Peter had been the only person he'd associated with on a regular basis since he moved back to Beacon Hills, and that was 8 months ago. There were the few friends he had in high school, but for some reason he was anxious to reach out to them. It was ridiculous, being worried about it. Paige hated him when he broke up with her, said she never wanted to speak to him again. He just couldn't explain to her the real reason he broke up with her at the time. Honestly, Derek couldn't even recall what explanation he gave her. It was over a decade ago, he highly doubted she'd still be holding any ill will toward him. But still...he just never thought he'd be back here again, so he never really considered what he'd say to try and get back in touch.

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