Chapter 14

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Derek slept amazing that night. One of the best sleeps he'd had in years, if he was being honest. It'd been so long since he'd slept beside another person, he forgot just how...nice it could be. But he couldn't admit that to Stiles; the guy would want to start sleeping over every night and then that could get feelings involved. But maybe one more time wouldn't hurt. Stiles had plans with his friends during the day, but the night was gonna be theirs. The plan was for him to pretend to feel sick around 10, then head to Derek. At first Derek questioned about the guy Stiles was rooming with, Isaac. But Stiles reassured him that Isaac wouldn't care enough to check on him. In Stiles' mind it was a foolproof plan, and for Derek, it was...not terrible.

He stirred in his sleep, a warm and pleasurable feeling washing over him. As he peered his eyes open to the bright sunrays beaming through the window, Derek inhaled sharply as he felt his cock sliding in and out of a mouth. Stiles' mouth. He glanced down, seeing a head bobbing under the covers and hearing the faint sounds of Stiles blowing him. Did Stiles wake him with a blowjob? Holy shit. Okay, maybe he should reconsider his stance on Stiles not spending the night. Cause this was pretty fucking amazing.

Stiles had definitely been working on his deepthroating skills. Derek wasn't really sure how he'd been working on that, and he wasn't about to ask. All he knew was Stiles was getting better at opening up his throat, and Derek moaned as he felt his cock sliding further in. He slipped a hand under the covers, running it softly through Stiles' hair. Stiles hummed pleasantly, sending slight vibrations through Derek's shaft. He arched his back a bit at that, tensing up the hand still laced through Stiles' hair.

Honestly, Derek wasn't sure how long Stiles had been down there. He'd never been woken up with a blowjob before, so who knew if he started when Derek woke up, or if he'd already been going for a minute. Either way, Derek could feel himself getting closer to the edge, especially when Stiles picked up the pace. It was almost like Stiles knew when Derek was getting closer, even without him saying anything. Could he tell by his moans? His movements? Stiles had always been an observant guy, so it wouldn't surprise him if that were the case. "Fuck, I'm gonna–" Derek said, cutting off the last word as he came down Stiles' throat. His hips bucked up, pushing his cock further into Stiles' mouth and causing him to gag. The choking sounds only made it even hotter.

After he was done, he pulled back the covers and Stiles smirked up at him, breathing heavily as he crawled back up and laid beside Derek. "Was that okay?" Stiles asked.

Derek just laughed at the question. "Uh, yeah. More than okay. That was fantastic. I've never had that before."

"Well, I've never done that before either. Lots of firsts for us, huh?" he replied, staring deep into Derek's eyes with a pleased smile.

Alright, now it was entering emotion territory. Derek stood, grabbing a pair of boxer briefs from his suitcase and pulling them on. "I'm gonna brush my teeth," he said, quickly heading to the bathroom. Right after rinsing off his toothbrush, he heard a knock on the hotel room door.

"Room service!" a muffled cheery voice called out.

Derek exited the bathroom just in time to see a fully-clothed Stiles bolting to the front door. He pulled a shirt and some sweatpants on, watching Stiles politely thank the man and roll in a cart with a bunch of elegant food dishes on it. "Uh, what's all this?" he asked puzzledly.

Stiles just beamed at him. "Figured I'd surprise you with two things this morning. A blowjob and breakfast!" he gestured at the cart.

Walking up to the cart, Derek got a closer look at everything. Bacon, scrambled eggs, waffles with assorted berries, sausage links, crepes, and two cups of steaming coffee. It looked delicious...and expensive. "Jesus, Stiles. How much did all of this cost?"

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