Chapter 8

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Derek broke the kiss to pull Stiles' shirt off, wasting no time in getting him undressed. The way Derek kissed him was full of hunger and lust, and Stiles just couldn't believe it. Part of him wanted to pinch himself, make sure this wasn't just a dream. He'd had dreams exactly like this after all. But no, it wasn't a dream. Derek was actually unbuttoning his jeans, touching his chest, kissing him like his life depended on it. Stiles lifted up his hips so Derek could pull his jeans off. Was Derek gonna go down on him? Did Derek even give blowjobs? Was that a thing Stiles could just ask for?

His mind was swimming as Derek kissed down his neck, sucking and nipping lightly as he palmed Stiles' erection over his boxers. Stiles let out a small sigh, relaxing into Derek's touch as he slipped his hand under the fabric and gently stroked Stiles' cock. After a moment Derek pulled his hand away and pulled his sweatpants off along with his boxers, and as Stiles looked down at his cock the anxiety hit him like a truck going at full speed. That was going inside him. The idea was so incredibly hot, but also terrifying. How bad was it gonna hurt? Guys in porn never seemed to be in any pain, but that was porn. This was real life. And if he told Derek he was a virgin, or if he told him to stop, that might make Derek reconsider everything.

Maybe he could just distract Derek and make him forget about the actual sex part. Derek was about to move to climb back on top of Stiles, but instead he got up on his knees and kissed Derek, placing his hands on his chest to push him down on his back. Derek had a look of surprise on his face, but also seemed impressed with Stiles taking the initiative like this as he climbed on top of Derek, kissing down his stomach and taking his cock into his mouth. If he could get Derek to come from a blowjob, then he wouldn't have to even bring up the sex talk. Stiles would have more time to figure out what to do.

Stiles didn't get to suck him off for very long, because within less than a minute Derek put a finger under his chin, pulling him away and guiding him back up. "What's wrong? Was I not doing good?" Stiles asked hesitantly.

Derek pulled Stiles down on top of him, kissing his lips, then cheek, then moving to his ear. "I don't want you to blow me, I wanna fuck you," he said before kissing the spot behind Stiles' ear.

Electricity jolted through Stiles' body and went straight to his dick. Holy fuck that was hot. Maybe it'd be fine, maybe it wouldn't hurt as bad as he thought. Stiles didn't have a high pain tolerance, but maybe it was just all in his head. He wanted to have sex with Derek, he wanted to feel him inside. "Oh okay, yeah, yeah that sounds good," Stiles said, nodding quickly.

"Get on your stomach," Derek ordered, but it wasn't in a harsh tone. It was gentle, caring. Stiles did as he was told and flipped over, trying to calm his wildly rapid heartrate. Stiles watched as Derek leaned over to his bedside table and pulled out a bottle of lube. It'll be fine, Stiles thought to himself. It'll be totally fine. Just chill out, calm the fuck down.

As soon as Stiles heard the lid pop off, he impulsively sat up. "Wait!" he exclaimed, turning around to face Derek.

Derek just gave him a strange look. "What?"

Stiles pressed his lips into a thin line, looking down. There was no way to skirt around this one. "I...I don't..."

"Are you okay?" Derek asked concernedly, and Stiles' heart skipped a beat at the gentle tone he used.

"I've never had sex," he blurted out, then sighed deeply. "With a guy. I've never had sex with a guy."

"Oh. don't want to?" Derek asked, closing the lid to the bottle and setting it on the bed.

"No I do!" Stiles corrected a bit too fast. "I definitely do. I're uh, you're really big." He rubbed the back of his neck, looking down, then back up at Derek when he realized that could be taken the wrong way. "Not that it's a bad thing, I mean it's great I just, I dunno...nervous I guess?"

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