It's mine now

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TW: Reference to rape and minor reference to drugs

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TW: Reference to rape and minor reference to drugs.

It was so quite.





Finnick's tone was serious, the girl had been hysterical last night, terrified, shaking. He needed, no, he had to know what was happening.

But Illyana just sat there, frozen by the question. The clock ticking away. And for a moment she didn't know what to say. This boy, this incredibly stong and charming boy sat in front of her.

And her fingertips felt like ice. Locked into place.

"Get out"

Her words were quite at first, unsure of themselves. A whisper that just escaped the tomb of her lips. She wanted to lock herself away, how stupid had she been to attach herself to the victor. How stupid she had been to let him in. Now she just wanted him to go.

"Illyana" his hand was reaching out to her shoulder, his eyebrows pinched ever so slightly.

"Get out" she stopped his hand before it reached her shoulder. Using the palm to push it away.

"I'm sorry, why don't we just move on? Why don't you tell me a little about this writing passion of yours" he was grinning kindly now, trying to reassure her, calm her. He knew how much he hated prying where it wasn't wanted. Instead he switched tactics trying to reassure her, to ease her discomfort. He knew when to back off, when not to pry where it wasn't wanted.

"Illyana" his tone was light, almost jovial. Ready to move on with the conversation.

But Illyana wasn't.

"Get. out." she stood from the couch, her eyes hard as ice, her posture as straight and stiff as a board. Hands twisting themselves into the fabric of her nightgown.

"Alright it's late I suppose" he stroad back to the lift entering it. A tension and, perhaps, a distance hung in the air between them.
"I'll see you at training tomorrow yeah?" His head tilted with a smile
" I'll teach you how to use a trident, well actually a staff might be better? "

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