The more unstable the heels

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As Illyana made her way to the shore, her bare feet sinking into the cool, soft sand, her nightgown billowed around her legs like ethereal wisps in the moonlit night

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As Illyana made her way to the shore, her bare feet sinking into the cool, soft sand, her nightgown billowed around her legs like ethereal wisps in the moonlit night. The thin, delicate fabric clung to her skin in places, whispering against her with every movement, as if trying to anchor her to reality.

The moon hung high in the sky, a glowing sentinel watching over the inky ocean, its light casting a mesmerizing glow on the water's surface.

With each step, the rhythmic sound of the waves grew louder, beckoning her closer to the embrace of the ocean.

When her feet hit water, Illyana kept walking ever so slightly deeper, then sat down. Bringing her knees to her chest and simply watched as the waves went in and out around her.

The water was colder than she expected, a biting chill that contrasted sharply with the warm night air.

The sensation of the water swirling around her legs, pulling at the hem of her nightgown, was grounding in a way that nothing else seemed to be.

The moon bathed everything in a pale, silvery light, making the ocean look like a living, breathing thing. Each crest and trough shimmered with a faint luminescence,

Her long, dark hair danced like silken tendrils in the water, intertwining with the fluid currents as if they shared a secret language. With each movement, the strands swayed and shifted, reflecting the moon's gentle radiance in a mesmerizing display of natural beauty.

Illyana closed her eyes, allowing the soothing symphony of the ocean to wash over her. The rhythmic sound of the waves crashing against the shore echoed in her ears, a comforting lullaby that whispered of infinite possibilities and boundless horizons.

When the waves came in, she breathed in.

When the waves went out, she breathed out.

She didn't know how long she sat there. Illyana felt out of sync with the world, adrift, but there was a quietness here that she hadn't felt in a long time. The constant itch of impulse that she always carried with her, that incessant, gnawing need to do something, to act, felt quieter here.

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