summary: in which y/n reconnects with harry years after they graduate, and he's her best friend's ex boyfriend
6.5k words
warnings: none!
He's too charming for his own good.
And (Y/N)'s never been one to get in the middle of something. She couldn't. She refuses.
She likes to think she's been an amazing friend to Margot. They're best friends and have been that way since they were both mindlessly wandering campus trying to find the English building.
They managed rather quickly after bumping into each other and even better, they made it on time. So, (Y/N) is very grateful for Margot and her friendship over the years. Without her, she's certain she would have been holed up in the library on Friday nights and not out at frat parties and pubs during school nights. So, she thanks her for getting her out of her shell.
With all that in mind, she's not going to be one of those girls. Margot has never done wrong by her and even if she had, that wouldn't be an excuse to do what he's asking her to do.
They had been together for almost a year. It started in their senior year of university and they were the kind of cute that sometimes had you pushing your dinner plate away from you. It was sickening, more specifically. And every time he was around, (Y/N) was downgraded to third wheel. It didn't truly bother her, no, but when he would show up unannounced at the diner or the library and distract Margot, that's when it got annoying. It was like he was always there. And she gets it. If she had a boyfriend that looked like that, she'd want him around all the time too. And he was really sweet to everyone. Always brought (Y/N) a coffee if he was bringing one for Margot, he brought them food from the pizza shop he worked at after work occasionally, and when Margot would walk away to use the restroom, or to go use the printer, he would talk to her like he was actually interested in what she had to say.
She knows English isn't the most compelling subject to everyone like it is for her, but he listened and even fixed a few of her essays with wonky wordings. At parties when she decided to stay sober just to keep track of Margot, he opted to do the same, saying she needed someone else sober around to keep her sane.
And then they graduated. She remembers the day so clearly. Her and Margot spent a lot of time in their flat trying to get their hair just right under the cap and making sure their shoes wouldn't slip across the stage. They were all wearing maroon, which was one of (Y/N)'s favorite colors. It was such an exciting day, but at the same time, it would virtually be the last day that Margot and her were in the same city.
Her remote internship offered her an in-person job at their branch in Seattle. How could she pass that up? She was scared to tell Margot though because it was so far from where they had made their lives and she wasn't sure she wanted to venture out of the bubble they had enveloped themselves in. But she knew this was the chance of a lifetime and she had to do it.
She told Margot the news three days before graduation. She was sad, and even cried a little bit, but ultimately, she was very happy for her. She had her dream job, she just had to move across the country for it. But Margot wasn't going to hold her back and she loved her a little more for that.
She was staying for something in engineering. She had always liked math and was content in her higher level math courses while (Y/N) struggled with basic calculus. Margot is extraordinary and she managed to find a job right in town that had a bit of a traveling aspect to it, but she liked it even more for that. And Harry was doing something with computer science. She always asked him to explain it to her, but he never really had the chance to. But she knew that they were both majorly smart people and they just fit together.