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summary: in which y/n reconnects with harry years after they graduate, and he's her best friend's ex boyfriend

2.9k words

warnings: none!


From what (Y/N) could see from peeking through the set of double doors, the entire hall was full. The seats up in the stands were crowded with friends and family and the floor was almost ready to be filled with soon to be college graduates.

(Y/N) was buzzing. Four long, grueling years had all led up to this moment and she couldn't be more grateful to be here with her best friend and her parents sitting up in the seats.

She was a tad nervous too. What if she tripped going up to get her diploma? Would she ever live that down? Or would she forever be known as the girl who fell flat on her face during graduation? She's just glad that she never has to come back after this.

She's moving far, far away. To the other side of the country to fulfill her dreams. She couldn't be happier.

She's sad to be leaving Margot and her parents behind, but that's nothing a five hour flight can't fix. It's just that this is a really good opportunity and she couldn't pass on it. She is familiar with the company already and knows people there, so it won't be strange trying to acclimate to the workplace. Albeit, she's been doing it remotely for the past six months, but they offered her a job in their office permanently and what kind of a fool would she be to deny them?

Margot had her hair perfectly laid under her cap. It was wavy and falling down her shoulders loosely. The dress underneath her maroon gown was white and lacy. She helped her pick it out a few weeks ago. She was absolutely glowing and (Y/N) can only hope she looks half as good.

She had chosen a black dress that fit nicely against her body to go under her gown. No one would really see it, but that didn't matter. She absolutely hated the cap she had to wear, so she hadn't quite put it on yet since they still had twenty minutes until she had to sit down.

Everyone was being held in the performing arts center for the time being until commencement started. And (Y/N) really had to fucking pee.

"Hey, Mar. I'm running to the bathroom, okay?" She slipped her gown off her shoulders so it wouldn't get in the way and waited for Margot to give her a thumbs up.

"Okay. Hurry though. I don't know where Harry is, but he's taking forever and we all need pictures together." She nodded before going out into the hallway and hurrying to the bathroom.

It didn't take long for her to do what she needed to do and fix her lip gloss in the mirror. And then she was on her way back to the auditorium. But she stopped all of a sudden, seeing someone familiar down one of the hallways.

Harry. Looking sharp in a suit with his gown draping over his shoulders. He was looking at his reflection in the glass of one of the bulletin boards, seemingly trying to tie his tie and having quite the time with it. She held back a laugh as he cursed to himself and ripped the tie from around his neck like he gave up.

"Hey, where have you been? Margot's been waiting on you." He turned suddenly at the sound of her voice making her smile. His shoulders relaxed a little and he sighed.

"Yeah. I just got here. Been trying to tie this stupid thing, but I think I'm just going to go without it." She walked towards him, gently pulling it from his hand and raising her eyebrows.

"May I?" He nodded, a smile taking over his mouth. She moved his collar up and set the tie around his neck before beginning to tie it.

Harry had been nothing but nice to her. He's so polite and always thinking of her even when she's not thinking of herself. He's always over their flat, even though (Y/N) tries to avoid being there when he is. She doesn't mind it, but they're a little intense. And she doesn't like being a third wheel. Especially in her own home. He does try to include her, but it feels forced sometimes.

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