summary: in which harry is a divorce lawyer and y/n really needs his help
8.5k words
warnings: domestic abuse mention
(Y/N) doesn't think things can get any worse.
Standing within two feet of her is Adam. She's practically shaking, but she's trying to remain strong and stop the trembling of her hands. He looks angry already, even though he's just managed to see her for the first time in a week.
She had driven back to the hotel after a long, tiring day at work. She was craving ice cream more than ever and totally planned to go get some after dropping her bag off at home and changing into something a bit more comfortable.
She drove home with the radio and it seemed like all her favorite songs played. This is the best day she's had in a while. Work wasn't even that bad. Just a few meetings here and there and a lot of standing around at the copy machine. But that's it. It was decent. There was no one waiting for her once she got out of the building, just a singular text from Harry asking if she made it to her car alright. She rolled her eyes at the way her heart sped up so quickly. He's just being nice and wants to make sure she doesn't end up dead before his paycheck comes through. That's all. She managed to get in the car before sending him a tiny message back saying that yes, she's fine and in the car now. And she thanked him for checking in on her, ending the message with a smiley face.
So, she was feeling all fluttery the entire way up to her hotel room, knowing she'd have time to fret over how cute he'd been before Lindsey got there. She's not supposed to see him until Thursday, but he's making her so soft. Instead of being able to shut the door behind her and daydream over Harry, the door was shoved open by none other than Adam.
And she was so scared. She wanted to call someone, but she really couldn't think of anyone to call. She just knew that Lindsey would be back to their hotel in two hours, but that was too much time. He could do anything to her in that time and leave without anyone ever knowing. It's not like she'd tell Lindsey either. She can't make her move again. She already feels so selfish for doing it once and disrupting her life. She can't do it again.
"So, here's where you've been hiding. I followed that bitch Lindsey the other day and she led me right to you. Some friend she is, right?" He laughed, gently shutting the door to the room and then locking it. Her heart is beating so fast, she's sure she's on her way to a heart attack.
"What do you want, Adam?" Since no one is here to get him away from her, she figures she should start getting answers.
"I want you to come home," He took a step towards her and she took one back. She didn't know what she could do besides try to keep him calm. If she can get out of this room, then she can hopefully have someone escort Adam out of here. "You need to. That baby needs its father."
She wanted to roll her eyes at his tone of voice. She wonders if he even believes himself when he says stuff like that. If he does, he really has issues.
"It's not working out. I don't want this anymore." Somehow, she forced that out. His expression immediately changed to something much darker.
"You're just saying that. Lindsey's got you believing all this shit about me. I've been so fucking good to you and this is how you repay me?" His voice raised a bit, making her tense up. He can't scream at her in a hotel. Someone will complain. But still, no one will get to her in time anyway if he does something.
"I decided this myself, Adam. Please leave and please sign the papers so we can get this over with." He reached out for her and she flinched, trying to escape his grasp, but he grabbed her tightly by the shoulders, probably inevitably leaving behind more bruises.