summary: in which y/n is harry's assistant and he asks a very interesting favor from her
9.9k words
warnings: none!
(Y/N) genuinely cannot believe what she just heard.
Because she knows that he didn't just say that. She has no idea how to even react to his statement. What does it mean? What is it implying? Why her? Why is this something that came up in the first place?
For several moments, all she can do is stare at him. He doesn't look particularly nervous about what her response could be, he actually looks quite confident that she'll just go along with this insane thing he's said.
"Why?" Was the only thing she could ask him at the moment. She figures if she starts there, things will start making sense quicker.
"Why not?" He shrugged it off like this was something normal. Like people just go around claiming others as their girlfriend and it's just fine. Because it happens all the time.
Except it doesn't. And it's not.
"Well, you might want to clear that up then. Because I'm not your girlfriend." She tried to say it as firmly as she could, but he just shook his head.
"But I told him you are. So, you are." Again, she's just in so much shock because what is happening? It doesn't add up and she just wishes he could be straight-forward with her this one time.
"No, Harry. I'm not. And this obviously isn't a work-related dinner and so far it's very unprofessional, sir, no offense. So, I think I'd better go." Right when she picked up her purse, he snatched it out of her hand and held it to his chest.
"Not so fast, (Y/N)," She huffed, sitting back in her chair, feeling exhausted all of a sudden. He is the most childish man she's ever met. She briefly thinks about telling him that but decides not to. "I told you I needed a favor from you and you said you'd help me."
"I was drunk! And I didn't know what you were asking because you've made it your mission to be mysterious or whatever and it's not very fun for people who don't know what's going on. It's actually very mean. Now give me my bag." She reached across the table, but he leaned away from her, holding back the most obvious grin she's ever seen.
"Come on, (Y/N). If you'd let me explain a bit, you'd probably love the idea." She doubted that.
"Fine. Why did you lie to your father?"
"I didn't really lie. I just told him something to keep him happy with me." (Y/N) is rubbing her temples, wondering if she should try to get up and leave again. She's still not sure why her being his girlfriend has anything to do with his father being happy.
"But why?"
"(Y/N). My father is retiring in three months. He needs to take me seriously. His position will be up for grabs and right now, it's between me and that cocksucker." She figured he was referring to Steven with the face he pulled, but she's still not getting the answers she needs to be able to understand what the hell he's talking about. "And he needs to see that I've settled down and I'm responsible and committed to something."
Like it was the simplest thing in the world. (Y/N) is wondering if he's thought of other options. You know, besides pretending to date his assistant because there has to be another way.
"And what does that have to do with me?"
"He likes you."
"I still don't get it."