Chapter 9

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pov James Madison

        last night was one of the best and worst nights of my life. I still couldn't believe Hamilton would do something like that. I shuttered at the thought of him telling someone what happened. before feeling two arms around me tighten. Tommy had been sleeping with me in his arms the whole night.He always did this every night yet this time I felt extra protected as if knowing nothing would every happen to me as long as I was in his arms.

        I gently turned around as slow as possible.we were face to face.I looked at his beautiful face.  his two brown eyes opened slowly then closed. I smiled at his sleepy face, he had always woke up before me so I never saw him sleeping. he looked like an adorable little panda with his face smooshed on his pillow. His eyes opened again and he looked at me for a couple minutes then gently kissed me on the nose. "babe" he whispered softly to me. "yes sweetie" I whispered back "what time is it" "4:30" his eyes opened wide "we're going to be late" he said getting up."today is Saturday work doesn't start till 6:30" I said grabbing his shoulders and pulling him closer to me.

        "does the little teddy bear want to be cuddled" said Tommy. He wrapped his hands around me and pulled me closer to him I could smell his wild orange cologne it was one of my favorite smells I snuggled my face deeper into his neck inhaling the smell it was almost intoxicating. " have I ever told you how much I love you" I  whispered in Tommy's ear "have I ever told you how beautiful your eyes are. " he replied while kissing me gently on cheek. I still was wearing ring he gave me I loved the way it looked on my hand. 

        after another hour of cuddling each other. I looked at him "we should probably get up" "yeah" he replied. we got up and got dressed. "Today I will be making YOU pancakes" I said getting out a box of pancake I slowly whisked in the ingredients Tommy looked at me" why did you separated the yolks from the whites."he asked puzzled. " you'll see" I said as I slowly put the yolks one by one in the batter then the whites.when the pancakes were finally done Tommy drowned his in whipped cream. when he took a bite his eyes went wide "it's so fluffy" he exclaimed taking a another bite." told you" I said eating mine. after breakfast I looked at Tommy, he was smiling "so should we ride in my car to work" he said. when we got to work and got out of his car he grabbed my hand as we walked inside and that's when I realized that I was still wearing the ring.

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