Chapter 12

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pov. Thomas Jefferson

        I woke up in bed slowly turned over to look at my Jemmy. wait where was Jemmy as I lifted my head up before realizing I had a splitting headache.Then my stomach hurt and I felt a little dizzy as I ran to the bathroom and threw up.After about half an hour of puking. I looked in the bathroom mirror and saw my black eye and bruised/scratched arms."oh god" I said putting my hand to my eye." I'm a mess." then thought crossed my mind, had James left me, maybe he didn't want a boyfriend who drank and fought."I don't deserve him"I started to cry in the bathroom to myself. Then I got up with a shutter and went to the kitchen to make some comfort mac n cheese. 

        as I walked to the kitchen I saw James sitting on the couch sipping some coffee. I ran up to hug him."um babe are you okay" he said hugging me back." I-I thought you left m-me" I sniffled crawling onto his lap. "why would I ever leave you" he said staring into my eyes " I-I-um"But I couldn't respond I just kept crying. Then his face fell "wait,do-do you want me to leave?" he said crying a little." NO,never NEVER say that to me EVER again. I just thought" I trailed off looking into his eyes " I Thought you did want to be with someone who-who drank and fought" I said though gasps and sobs "shhhhhh" he said smoothing down my hair "it's going to be fine"he paused as I looked up at him tears in my eyes "sure I wished last night you hadn't got drunk and fought with Hamilton..but that doesn't make me love you any less" He grabbed my face gently,then softly kissed me. 

        My phone softly buzzed in my pocket I reached down into my pocket but not wanting to break the kiss I didn't check.The kiss kept going for another minute before I checked my phone. It was a text from Lafayette. 

HappyCroissant: so how does this next Wednesday 5:00 P.m. sound for the wedding? :)

I showed the text to Jemmy. "That sounds great " jemmy said as I leaned into his chest snuggling towards his warmth It seemed to help with the Migraine a little. I burrowed deeper into his chest before texting back.

macncheeseeater9000: yeah that sounds great see you soon.

I put the phone back in my pocket before my eye started stinging. I put my hand up to eye covering it. I kept snuggling deeper and deeper into his chest until I fell asleep again, cuddling in his warmth.

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