Chapter 14

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pov. Thomas Jefferson

        we were in the shower together my migraine still throbbed against my skull pounding in brain.I tried to act normal when I felt Jemmy eyes on my back.I couldn't help my self I had been already partially been turned on when started to touch my chest. I turned around to the satisfaction of seeing him blush and stare at me."watcha lookin at" I said with a stupid grin." he stared for a few more seconds before his face started to turn a bright shade of scarlet.his body was almost as beautiful as his personality. he was short and stubby but not fat, his skin was a deep coffee, his eyes were the same shade of chocolate he loved. him in the shower the hot water running down his face onto his chest, naked, staring at me, blushing. 

        I couldn't contain myself. I could feel myself getting stiffer and stiffer by the moment.I turned around not wanting him to see me like this. sure this had happened in bed a couple of times but that was then, not in the shower together, in the dark, in a bed. I still couldn't stop I was completely hard as a rock. I slowly turned around to see a very hard and now VERY red Madison. we paused staring at each other for a couple minutes.I slowly began to feel dizzy the headache from the hangover,the intense love I was feeling, the hot water on my back,I felt dizzying spirals and started to black out. as I felt my own weight to give out under me. Jemmy caught me before I hit the floor."are you okay" he said helping to my feet. " just a little dizzy" I muttered. "come on" he said leading me out of the shower to our I threw on some fuzzy pajamas. jemmy put on sweatpants and a sweater. 

        I tried to follow jemmy out into kitchen.he turned around "Tommy you need to sleep it off" he said. "but-but" I started. " no buts" he said leading me back to our bedroom."but I'm so lonely" I complained.not wanting him to go, I didn't want to him to go, it was boring to lie in bed doing absolutely nothing."fine" he said "but only for a few minutes"he added.I smirked I knew exactly what that meant. a quick translation of "only for a few minutes" in Jemmy was: I will be ready to leave but then you will end up putting your head on me or kissing me then you will fall asleep on me and I will feel bad leaving my Tommy since he was sleeping (and I'm adorable when I'm sleeping according to Jemmy) and eventually fall asleep too. and that is exactly what happened." I sighed as I cuddled into his chest falling into a deep sleep.

        Three Hours Later

        It was was a couple hours later. I didn't care the headache was still there. I snuggled into his chest and breathed deeply.he smiled softly at me."just a few minutes" I muttered." three hours is only 180 minutes out of a 1440 minute day" he replied smiling at me." my stomach rumbled out of hunger."jemmy, Jemmy I'm hungry." I said sleepily. " Then get of me so I can cook something for us"he giggled. " but then I'll be lonely" I complained. "then help me cook something" but then I'll be cold." I giggled again. "we can make mac'n'cheese" he coaxed."fine" I said getting out of bed and putting on my robe and slippers. we walked to the kitchen after a long painful 5 minutes the mac'n'cheese was done. we ate then watched a movie. I yawned glancing at the clock. 9:30 jemmy shut off the movie "Tommy go to bed" he said. I didn't want to leave but I could feel my eyes about to shut. I dragged myself to bed and fell asleep to the sound of Jemmy making a salad.


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