Chapter 5

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May turned into June with Eva seeing amazing places all over Europe. Liam took her to see castles in Germany, beaches in Portugal, market places in Spain, and Cheese factories in Switzerland. She soaked it all up, knowing this was the chance of a lifetime. She was dragging him all over Milan, going in and out of shops and churches, marveling at everything. "Okay, just how many churches are we going to go to? I'm hungry."

"Oh, you big baby. One more stop and then we can eat." Eva said. She decided not to mention that she had signed them up for a garden tour, wine tasting lunch tomorrow. That could be a surprise. She smiled to herself, grabbed his hand and dragged him down the street. He stumbled behind her, head back, feet dragging, whining about his stomach. She could hear Paddy laughing behind them, quite enjoying the Liam is a whiny child show. Eva laughed, too. She was having the time of her life.


"I thought you said touring was boring." Eva said to Liam, later that night.

"You haven't been on tour yet. We are just jetting to places in Europe and going back home. You haven't had time to get bored. Wait until the American tour, when we are on the bus for hours on end. Playing video games only is entertaining for so long. You better bring that book Niall gave you."

"Oh, I finished that ages ago. I'm thinking I should get an e-reader of some kind. So I can have tons of books. I can read a book a day if I have enough time." Eva told him.

"That's one thing you will have. Time."


She hated to admit it, but Liam was right. The tour of America meant spending a ton of time on a bus. At first it was fun, being trapped with the love of your life.

"What'ca doing?" Eva whispered in Liam's ear.

"Playing FiFA with Louis." Liam said, ignoring her.

"Awe, that's too bad because I am going to take a nap. In your bunk. Naked." she whispered, then got up and walked out of the backroom of the bus. Their bus only had Niall and Louis, plus her and Liam. Well, and three bodyguards, who tended to sit in the front lounge. The bunk area was empty. Eva climbed up into Liam's bunk and waited to see if he took the bait. She wiggled out of her pants and top. She was about to give up, when Liam's' head popped up under the curtain. She giggled as she watched him climb in while trying to take of his pants.

"We have to be quiet, Evie. The guys would kill me if they knew what we were doing." Liam whispered. He got into the bunk and starting kissing Eva, slowly and deeply, hovering over her, supporting his weight on his arms. She moaned and he covered her mouth. " You need to be quiet!" Eva nodded and pulled his lips back to hers. He worked his way to her neck and Eva reached down to help arouse him. She wiggled off her own undergarments and his, using her hand to get him ready.

"Now, Liam. Now" she whispered. He entered her and moved his hips back and forth as slowly as he could, not wanting to make any noise. The buildup in Eva's pelvis was deliciously slow, creeping its way up her body. She used her nails to dig into Liam's back, trying to release some of the energy. She wanted to scream, yell and moan out his name. Instead, she bit down on his neck and sucked until she couldn't take anymore. She grabbed her shirt and covered her mouth, shouting "OH GOD! YES" as she reached her climax. She felt Liam spasm in her and he crumpled on top of her, exhausted.

Sleep came quickly to Liam. Eva was not at all tired. She pulled on most of her clothes, covered Liam with a blanket and lowered herself out of the bunk. She made a quick trip to the bathroom, fixing her clothes and face. Instantly bored again, she went to see if the boys were still playing FIFA. Maybe she could talk them into a different game.

She slid open the door, closed it behind her and plopped on the couch. "What are you playing now?" she asked Niall and Louis.

"FIFA still." said Louis.

"And you're not fooling anyone." said Niall.

She covered her face, blushing, then grabbed a pillow and threw it at Niall. "Oh, GOD! Liam!" he mocked, using a fake high voice. Louis started laughing and Eva couldn't help but join in.

"You're not the first couple to try that, Love." Louis told her, winking. "But, I must admit, you were quieter that Harry and what's her name."

"What's her name?" Eva asked.

"Ya, I can never remember them all. Nobody ever caught me and El, though."

Niall laughed. "And you are wrong on that Lou. Very, very wrong!"

This time is was Lou's turn to blush.


They arrived at the hotel late that night and spent the next morning at the hotel pool. "Jesus! What happened to your back, Liam?" Zayn asked as he took off his shirt to sunbathe.

"What? What's wrong?" Liam tried to see his own back, turning in a circle.

"That's nothing compared to the hicky on this neck." Niall laughed.

Liam reached up and touched at his neck. "What the heck? What did you do, Evie?"

She stood up and slowly backed away from Liam. "Nothing. I swear. They are kidding!" Liam looked at Niall and Niall shook his head. "Traitor!" Eva yelled at Niall and turned running for the pool, Liam hot on her heals. She jumped in the pool and tried to swim away but Liam jumped in after her, catching her easily. "Help!" she screamed. "Help me!"

Liam turned her face to his and kissed her. "What did you do to me, woman?" he laughed, picking her up and launching her across the pool. She splash landed into the pool and immediately turned back, swimming to Liam. She jumped on him, pushing him under the water. He came up, sputtering. "Truce!" he yelled. "Truce! You are vicious!"

"Don't forget it" Eva said, winking and swimming away.


Every time, the boredom of the bus got worse. It was August, now, and it a few days, she'd be in her home state. She couldn't wait. Liam was in the lounge, playing with something on his computer. She plopped down next to him on the couch, making a "Huff" noise. He set the computer aside and looked at her. "I told you." he said.

She swung her bare feet into his lap and handed him a small bottle. "Paint my toes." she pouted.

He looked at her feet, then at the bottle and shrugged his shoulders. "Why not?" he said, taking off the cap.

He was about half way done when Niall, Lou and Lou's body guard appeared from the back of the bus. "Oh, Jesus!" Niall laughed. Liam just shrugged. It was better than just sitting.

As Long As We Have Each Other (Liam Payne) Book 2 of Evie/LiamWhere stories live. Discover now