Chapter 14

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Liam sat down in stunned silence. Just hours ago they we talking about names. Now, there was no baby. Now there was tissue. Tissue that they are removing from Eva. She was in surgery and he was out here.

"Liam?" Dylan asked. "What is going on? Is the baby gone?"

"She's having a procedure to remove tissue from her uterus. Tissue that used to be a baby. It's dead. The baby is dead." Liam fell out of the chair and hit his knees, crying, trying to cover his face. He was a crumpled mess on the floor.

Dylan kneeled down next to him. "It's okay, Liam. It will all be okay." Liam turned to her and grabbed her, squeezing her into a hug. She was at a loss for words. She just held him and let him cry.

Paddy walked away to make phone calls. He talked to the boy's manager. Liam wouldn't be joining them. He had no idea when he'd be back. They could do interviews and signings without Liam. Then, he called his parents, thinking he might need them now. As he walked back to Liam, he noticed a girl taking pictures. He went over to her and demanded her phone, but it was too late. The pictures were already snapchatted and up on twitter. He made the girl take down the posts and delete the pictures, but he knew it wouldn't do any good. He yelled at her about privacy and made her leave the waiting room. He sighed and got on the phone with management. He'd let them deal with it.

Moments later, the girl's father returned with her, demanding to know why his daughter was so upset. He got right in Paddy's face and told him that he had no right to speak to his daughter or correct her in anyway.

"Sir, see that young man over there? He just lost a baby and your daughter decided to take a picture and post it on twitter for the world to see. Maybe you should pay more attention to what she's doing and not worry about what other people said to her."

The father went white and grabbed his daughter's arm. "Did you do that?" he yelled at her. "Give me your phone!" He continued to berate her as they walked out.

Paddy shook his head and went back to Liam. Dylan had gotten him back in a chair and he had stopped crying, but his face was still twisted in grief and disbelief. Paddy sat next to him and patted his back.


As soon as the boys landed in Germany, their manager told them that Liam would not be joining them. They demanded to know why, but he decided that it was up to Liam to tell them if he wanted them to know. Niall opened twitter because it always seemed to know news before even he knew. There is was. Trending on twitter was #SoSorryLiam. He clicked on a few of the hashtags and began to understand what had happened. A girl had taken some pictures of Liam, crying on his knees, in the waiting room of the hospital. They had even found out that Eva had lost a baby. Niall grabbed his suitcase and turned around.

"Niall!" the manager called. "Niall! Where are you going? Niall!"

Niall didn't even turn around. "Home. Check Twitter."


A little more than an hour after they took her away, Liam was allowed to go she her. They had decided to keep her over night because they had to sedate her. She'd be released in the morning and she needed to call her doctor for a follow up. It was all so clinical. None of these people seemed to understand what had happened to them. They had lost a child.

She was in recovery, slowing waking up. He went to her bed and took her hand. "Evie?" She opened her eyes. "Evie? Can you talk to me?" She nodded. "Please don't just nod. I need to hear you."

"I'm okay. I'm tired. I want to sleep" She closed her eyes.

"Sir?" Someone tapped his shoulder. He turned. "They are going to take her to her room. Come with me. I have some things for you. My name is Melanie. I'm a social worker here at the hospital. I wanted to let you know that we have support groups that meet to help people who are dealing with miscarriage. We also offer counseling. I understand your wife was very upset."

As Long As We Have Each Other (Liam Payne) Book 2 of Evie/LiamWhere stories live. Discover now