Chapter 13

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It seemed to take forever for Liam to get back to Eva. When he finally answered all of their questions, the nurse took him back to a curtained area, where Eva was lying in a hospital bed. She looked terrified and a nurse was taking her blood. He went to her side and took her hand. "What's going on? Why are they taking blood?"

Eva just looked up at him with empty eyes. The nurse answered instead. "Are you the father?" Liam nodded. "Well, we are going to do some tests to figure out what's going on. We are taking blood to count her hormone levels. We are going to do an ultra sound so we can see what's happening and then the doctor with do a physical exam."

"Okay, but why is she bleeding? Explain it to me in English." Liam said.

"At this point, sir, I'm not liberty to say anything until we have the test results."

They waited what seems like hours. Liam kept asking 'how much longer' and was told that someone would be in as soon as the bloodwork came back. Eva wouldn't do more than shake her head, yes or no. Her eyes were wide and she looked desperately afraid.

"Do you want a drink?" Liam asked. Head shake no. "Do you want me to get Dylan?" Head shake no. "Are you still bleeding?" Head shake yes. "Do you want me to turn on the TV?" Head shake no. "Do you want me to call your mom?" Head shake yes.

He got a yes. Okay, he thought to himself. She wants her mother. Totally normal. Liam dialed the number on his phone and waited for someone to answer. Nobody did. He left a voice mail. "Uh, Hi, Mrs, Stuart. This is Liam. Eva asked me to call you. She's in the hospital. Call back?"

"She didn't answer." Head shake yes. "Can I do anything? I'll do anything!" She pointed to her feet. "Are your feet cold? Your feet are always cold." She nodded yes.

Liam went to the nurse's station and asked for socks or something to keep her feet warm. "There is a gift shop in the lobby, sir. Through that door and turn left."

Jesus Christ! He thought. These people are cold. They can't even give socks to someone? He went through the door and turned left. Dylan and Paddy ran up to him. He didn't stop, so they followed him into the gift shop. "Slippers? Socks?" he asked. The attendant pointed.

"What's going on?" Dylan asked.

"I don't really know. We are waiting on bloodwork." Liam said. He grabbed a pair of light blue slippers with yellow stars on them. They were fuzzy inside. She'd like that. He threw them on the counter. Then he threw down a 20 pound note and grabbed them back, heading out the door.

"What do you want me to tell management? Everyone is calling. It's been 2 hours since we left the plane. They left without us" Paddy said.

Two hours? There was no way it had been that long. "I don't fucking care what you tell them." He pushed his way back into the emergency ward and went to Eva. "I got you slippers." he said. He ripped off the tags and put them on for her. "Better?"

She nodded.

Seconds later the doctor walked in, holding a chart. "Well, Ms. Stuart, your hormone count is far lower that what it should be at 14 weeks. We are going to get you an ultra sound to gather more information.

"What does that mean?" Liam asked.

"I can't really be sure at this point, sir." The doctor answered.

Liam was getting angrier by the second. He had dropped Eva's hand and had both hands on his head. "Just give us an idea. Please." Liam implored.

Eva spoke. "I'm losing the baby. I'm losing the baby." She keep repeating it. She must have said it ten times before the ultra sound technician wheeled her away. Liam was stunned into silence. He couldn't think or breathe.

Eva was wheeled into a room with ultra sound monitors and a machine. The tech moved her hospital gown out of the way, squeezed warm goo on her and started pressing and moving it around Eva's belly. "We are trying to get eyes on the tissue, to see what's going on. Here is your uterus. And here should be..." The tech moved until a picture of a baby, a tiny baby with barely any arms or legs, was on the monitor. The tech pressed a few buttons and the woosh woosh sound came up in the room.

"What's that? Is that my baby?" Eva asked.

"No, ma'am, that's your heart beat." The tech answered.

"Where is the baby's heartbeat? WHERE IS THE BABY'S HEARTBEAT?"

Liam could hear Eva screaming. He walked out into the hallway, covered his face with his hands and squatted down near the door, trying to process what was going on.

The sound was getting closer. "Tell me! Someone just tell me!" she was yelling and sobbing. Liam stood and went back. He needed to be strong for her. They wheeled her back into the room and a nurse appeared to set up an IV drip. "Liam! Why won't they tell me anything? The baby doesn't have a heartbeat! Is the baby dead? Please tell me!"

Liam looked to the nurse. She touched Eva's arm. "Listen, the doctor won't say anything until he examines you and I'm not supposed to 'make a diagnosis' but it's pretty clear that you are having a miscarriage. I'm so sorry." She stayed by the bed as Liam sat down in a chair, next to Eva. He took her hand again and gave it squeeze. Neither of them knew what to say.

The doctor appeared moments later. "Okay, nurse, let do the exam." Eva's legs were placed into stirrups and the nurse covered her. The doctor disappeared behind the sheet and Eva felt him touching her. "Okay." the doctor said as he stood. "It seems that Ms. Stuart is having a spontaneous abortion. We have two choices at this point. I can send you home and you can wait for the tissue to pass. Or, we can do a D and C right now and remove the tissue. After we have the tissue, we will send it for testing. I'll give you some time to talk."

"Stop calling it tissue." Eva mumbled.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. What was that?" the doctor asked.

"Stop calling it TISSUE! It's not TISSUE! It's my baby! It's my BABY! STOP CALLING IT TISSUE!" Eva was screaming.

Liam was trying to calm her down. "'s okay Evie. Stop screaming. It's okay." It was doing no good. She continued to scream.

"Nurse. Now please." The nurse took a syringe and put something into Eva's IV. She began to relax and within moments, she was asleep. "Young man, are you able to make medical decisions for Ms. Stuart?"

"What do you mean? She's my fiancé. It's my baby."

The doctor sighed. "You are not married? I need a family member who can decide for her. Where is her family?"

"America." Liam said. "They are in America. Her entire family. She doesn't have anyone here, except me."

"Well, I guess we are treating this like an emergency then. We are going to take her up to the OR and remove the tissue. It's by far the better option at 14 weeks. Waiting at home for it to pass can be lengthy and with the state she is in, it's best to get this taken care of. The nurse will take you out to the waiting room."

The nurse walked him out to the waiting area. Dylan and Paddy were still there. "How long until l can see her? How long does this take?"

"It's a short process. She'll be in recovery in less than an hour. Stay here. I'll get you when it's time." The nurse walked away before Liam could even say thank you.

As Long As We Have Each Other (Liam Payne) Book 2 of Evie/LiamWhere stories live. Discover now