Chapter 15

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Liam called Dylan early the next morning. "I need help. She doesn't have clothes. She worried about her classes."

"Don't stress. I can be there in a few and I'll talk to her professors. There are only 2 weeks left in the semester. We can work something out. How long until she can come back?" Dylan asked.

"According to the doctor, once the bleeding stops, she can go back to her normal routine. I made the follow up for early next week." Liam said. "It's up to her."

Liam had her home in under an hour. She just wanted to be home. He opened the door of the flat to find that it was full of flowers, food and cards. Eva looked around. Every table had a flower arrangement on it. The coffee table had two. The breakfast bar was covered in cakes, pies and casseroles. There was a stack of cards and more flowers on the table next to front door where Liam normally left his keys. Eva pulled the card out of the flowers by the door. 'So sorry on your loss' signed by Liam's publicist. She picked up the vase and smashed it on the ground. Stepping over the mess, she went to the food. She flipped on the garbage disposal and starting throwing cookies into the sink. Liam got to her just as she threw an entire cake in the sink. He grabbed her arms with one arm and used his free hand to turn off the disposal.

"What is wrong with you?" He grabbed her arms and turned her to face him. "What are you doing?"

"I don't want all this. I don't deserve all this." She broke away from him and pushed a pie onto the kitchen floor.

"Stop! Evie!" Liam yelled. He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. Once he got into the bedroom, he put her on the bed and blocked the door. "What is wrong with you? Why are you acting like this?"

"Leave me alone, Liam. Make all that go away." Eva got off the bed and went into the bathroom. She turned on the shower, stripped and got in, hoping the water would wash away all the bad feeling she had inside.

Liam cleaned up the pie and the broken glass. He pulled the cards out the flowers and called down to the door man to come and take them away. He threw away most of the food, only keeping a casserole send down by the woman who lived upstairs. He put that one in the refrigerator because it looked like a steak and kidney pie. He'd eat that himself.

By the time he had finished, Eva was out if the shower, in her pajamas and in bed. "I'm going to jump in the shower and then join you, okay?" Eva nodded.

He let her spend three days in bed, feeling sorry for herself. He stayed with her and they watched movies, played cards and took naps. She refused to talk about anything saying she 'wasn't ready.' Liam decided to wait for her to be ready and didn't push the issue.

After three days, she had stopped bleeding and it was time to start living again. Dylan came over and dragged her to classes. Marian came over and helped her with her math. Even Emma came over and help with her world history class because she had taken the semester before. She was moving around like a ghost, there but not present. Nothing anyone did could make her come back to life. Liam even let Niall take her to the golf dome.

Early the next week, they had their follow up appointment. They were taken into an office, not an exam room. The doctor came in with a file. "Well," he said. "We have some answers, which is good news. The baby had a genetic abnormality which is why your body miscarried it."

"What is a genetic abnorm...something?" Liam asked.

"Well, sometimes when an egg and sperm meet, there is a mistake. Extra genes are formed that cause disabilities and malformations in the fetus. The most common one that people know about is trisomy 21. It's more commonly called Down Syndrome."

"Our baby had Down Syndrome?"

"No, I'm getting to that. Your fetus had trisomy 13, which extremely rare and very unlikely to happen to you again. It causes severe malformations of the body and the brain. Most trisomy 13 babies miscarry. Those who are born, usually are stillborn or die within hours of birth. There is only 1 case of a trisomy 13 baby living past his 1st birthday. That baby had a painful life. Blind, deaf, cleft palate. Arms and legs malformed."

"Okay, what does that mean for us? Why is that good news?" Liam didn't understand.

"Well, it means that there is nothing physically wrong with either one of you. This was a random and very rare occurrence. You should be able to get pregnant again and carry a baby to term."

"Oh, Well. Okay." Liam felt a bit relieved. It shouldn't happen again. They could still have children.

"Was it a boy or a girl?" Eva asked.

"It was a boy. Most cases of trisomy 13 occur in male fetuses."

"I want my shot." Eva said.

"I'm sorry?" said the doctor.

"I want my shot. My birth control shot. Can I have my shot, please?"

Liam and the doctor looked at each other and then at Eva. "Well, certainly, Ms. Stuart. I have your records from your doctor in the states. He was giving you Depo-Provera. I can do that today, if you'd like." The doctor responded.

"Yes, please. Now." Eva rolled up her sleeve.

"Slow down, Ms. Stuart. Let me finish this up, okay?"

Liam gave her a look and whispered to her, "What is going on? Why are you acting like this?"

Eva looked him in the eyes and said "Acting like what?" He couldn't even answer.


The next day, when Liam got home from the studio, he saw Eva is the hallway by the garbage shoot. She was throwing things down it and yelling "GOODBYE!" as she dropped each one. As he got closer, he saw that is was all the things he had bought for the baby. She pulled a rattle out the bag, opened the shoot, threw it in and yelled "GOODBYE!"

Liam grabbed the bag. "What are you doing? Why are you throwing this stuff away?"

"We don't need it. I don't like clutter." She tried to grab the bag back.

"Knock it off. This is crazy!" Liam dragged her back into the flat. "What is wrong with you? We need to go talk to someone. You are NOT okay."

"I'm FINE!" Eva yelled and stomped away.


Liam was scheduled to go to New York and Orlando for 2 weeks in December, returning right before Christmas. Eva would have to miss Orlando because she had finals, but agreed to meet him in New York.

It had been two and a half weeks since the miscarriage. She swore that she would be fine and Dylan was going to stay with her to make sure she didn't anything else crazy.

"Are you sure?" He asked her the night before he was supposed to leave while they were in bed. "I can miss it. I can wait and go to New York with you."

"I'm fine." Eva said.

"You are NOT fine. You barely talk to me. You haven't touched me. You walk around like a zombie. Talk to me. Tell me what is wrong."

"It's my fault." She said.

"What is your fault?" Liam asked.

"The baby. He knew I didn't want him. He knew. I killed our baby!" Eva cried out.

Liam grabbed her and made her turn toward him. "No you didn't Eva. You heard the doctor. It was something wrong with the baby from the start. He never had a chance. You didn't do anything wrong."

She couldn't stop crying. She sobbed on Liam's chest until she fell asleep from pure exhaustion.

As Long As We Have Each Other (Liam Payne) Book 2 of Evie/LiamWhere stories live. Discover now