Chapter 6

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Finally, in the middle of August they arrived in Michigan. The boys had two shows in Detroit and a full day off before. Eva's home was about an hour drive north, so she invited anyone up who wanted to spend a day on a private beach. Most people had too much work to do but in the end Louis, Zayn, Niall, four bodyguards, Lou the hairdresser and her daughter all decided to come. She let her parents know her plans and warned Lex against inviting friends. They took two SUV's, Eva telling Paddy the way there.

As they pulled up, Eva said, "Jesus Christ, Mother." and buried herself into Liam's arms. Paddy parked next to a landscaping truck that said "Anderson Lawn Care."

"What's wrong, Evie? What's going on?" Liam asked, his voice full of concern. She pointed to the truck. Liam read the sign and said "Anderson? Is that...?"

"His dad. But I'm sure he's around here somewhere." she said.

"Well, I'm going to find him and beat the shit out of him." Liam said, opening his door.

"What's going on?" Niall asked "Where is Liam going?" Eva explained that the boy who had hurt her in high school was somewhere on her lawn. "The prick who...?" he said.

She sighed. "Yes! Liam's going to get himself hurt."

Niall flew out of the car after Liam. "Dude, where is he?" he called to Liam.

Eva hurried out of the car. "Stop, Liam. My mom doesn't know what really happened, ok? It's fine. She wouldn't have hired them if she knew. Let's just walk away."

It was too late. Jeff spotted her and froze in place. He clearly wasn't expecting to see her. It took Liam all of three seconds to figure out that he was Jeff and walked over to him. Eva turned around and called to Paddy. Liam walked right up to Jeff and said, "Hey, man. Are you Jeff Anderson?" He nodded and Liam wasted no time, punching him right in his nose. Blood spurted out and ran down his face.

"What the hell, man?" Jeff yelled and started to go after Liam. All four bodyguards stood in behind him, daring him to do anything. "Who the hell are you? Why the fuck did you punch me?"

"Oh, I didn't introduce myself? I'm Liam. Eva's fiancé and these are my bodyguards. Think about me the next time you decided to use a girl and throw her aside." He turned around, grabbed Eva's hand and pulled her up to the house. Once they got inside, she threw her arms around him. "I told you I'd beat the shit out of him. God that felt good."

Eva looked down at his hand, which had a small cut. She pulled it up to her face and kissed it. "My hero." she said.

Niall and the others entered the house, laughing and carrying beach bags. "Liam! Bro! You broke his nose!" He gave Liam a high five. "Let's get this party started!" Niall cried. "Woot!"

Everyone changed and reassembled out on the beach. Eva's dad had already been setting things up for her. There were beach chairs and umbrellas out and two wave runners sat, bobbing in the water. "Whose are those?" Liam asked, pointing to the machines.

"Mine and Lex's. Do you know how to ride? Wanna race?" Eva asked, an excited glow in her eyes.

"You?" Liam asked. "You don't even like to drive."

"That's because you have to stop. I don't stop. Let's go, pretty boy. Show me what you got." Eva dragged him to the water and handed him a lifejacket. She put her own on as she explained how to use the wave runner. "

"I've done this before, I got it." Liam said.

"Fine. Get on. To the buoy and back." She pointed north. "You have to go around the far side of the buoy." Eva hopped onto her wave runner and turned it on. "I'll even give you a head start! GO!" she yelled.

As Long As We Have Each Other (Liam Payne) Book 2 of Evie/LiamWhere stories live. Discover now