✧ thirty

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Finally, after a couple hours of wrapping paper bracelets around guests' wrists, Narae was granted her very first break. At last, she was free to go around the festival and enjoy all the activities the other classes had planned. Unfortunately, after having to stand for so long and greet so many people, she was feeling the exhaustion set in. Her eyes were half closed and her shoulders drooping as she dragged her feet through the hallways.

Without surprise, Narae soon bumped into someone, who had just come out of a classroom. She stumbled back, shaking her head to get some of her focus back. Vicky was standing in front of her, rubbing her forehead with her lips pursed.

"Oops, sorry," Narae said immediately, bowing. "Are you on break too?"

Vicky sighed, leaning against the wall. "Yeah, I've got a free hour to walk around the festival."

"Your class was doing a bake sale, right?"

"That's right. I had to talk to so many people..."

Narae tilted her head, empathizing with that weariness. "Well, how about we go around the festival together?"

After all, as tired as she was, she still wanted to see what everyone else had prepared. It would be sad to go home without having visited anything. And like she'd told Taerae and Audrey, it was always a lot more fun going around the festival with a friend.

"Sure, but I don't know where we should go," Vicky replied, pouting.

Oh. A lightbulb appeared above Narae's head.

"Wait. You don't know?"

"Know what?"

"Ricky and Gunwook's class is doing a butler café."

Vicky's eyes suddenly widened and she covered her open mouth with her hand. Of course she would be interested in something like that. At this point, Vicky had been into Ricky for a while now, but there still seemed to be no change in their relationship. Narae wondered when either of them would finally move their butt and do something about it. Okay, maybe it wasn't that easy. But still. They couldn't dance around each other for a decade, could they?

"What?" Vicky finally murmured, still in shock. "You mean..."

"Yes girl, your man is literally dressed like a butler at this exact moment."

The way Vicky's cheeks suddenly turned red made Narae chuckle. "Oh my god," she whispered to herself. "We have to go."

The two girls did not waste a second. Seemingly forgetting all of their tired state, they rushed through the corridors, trying to find their way to the infamous butler café. Narae had also told Gunwook she would come visit him, despite all of his adamant protesting. But surely he wouldn't look ridiculous, he had no reason to worry!

Narae was proven right very quickly, because as the two landed in front of the classroom-turned-butler-café, they found Gunwook standing right at the door, ready to welcome guests in and lead them to a table.

Just like she'd thought, Gunwook did not look awkward in the least. Sure, the three piece suit was a bit much, but it seemed to fit him perfectly. The cut of his jacket accentuated his large shoulders, and he had his hair styled back, for once. Not to mention the little bowtie he was wearing around his neck was a cute finishing touch. Seriously, he'd had no reason to be so embarrassed. Gunwook made quite the convincing butler.

Aside from his very gloomy expression. But that could easily be fixed.

When he heard their footsteps approaching the café, he raised his head. His eyes widened when he recognized them, and a veil of redness instantly seeped through his entire face. Squeaking out weird noises, he retreated a few steps back, burying his face in his gloved hands.

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