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Chapter Twenty-Five ___

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Chapter Twenty-Five

Pharya had her sweatsuit on and hood as she rolled her suitcase down the hall.

"Brooks," Rebecca called her to them in the parking lot.

"Ooh I love the luggage." Paige looks it over.

"Thanks, Christmas gift from April last year." Pharya smiles. "Are you okay? I saw you and Foxy after the match, you two good?"

"Yeah, I guess." Paige waves it off. "I don't know man, like she tried to say I wasn't trying to sell her in the ring. But I'm exhausted, like my body is tired and that was a hard blow. I had to make it look like that, you know what I mean?"

"I get it." Pharya nods. "You don't have issues outside of that playing into it for her to think that do you?"

"Ehh." Paige makes a face.

Pharya nods. "Uh-huh." Paige sighs but Pharya throws up a hand. "Look I don't get in the middle of anything but both of you got to get it over with if it's effecting in there."

"Mama bear has spoken." Rebecca put her suitcase in.

"I will, I'll probably talk to her on RAW or something."

"Okay." Pharya nods. "Cause I did see the hit to her leg when she kicked you and I know that wasn't supposed to happen. However I just let it fly."

Ashley came over. "Oh the in ring drama?"

"It's not drama!" Paige defends.

"It is." All three of them countered back.

"Paige and Fox are going to fix that though." Pharya pats her back. "Right?"


"Ooh, she gave you the stern motherly pat." Ashley eased away.

Colby came by. "I'm going to the truck."


Colby took her suitcase from her and gave a nod to them. "See you girls at RAW."

"By, Colby!" All of them sing.

Colby chuckles throwing up a hand.

Pharya rolls her eyes at all of them. "You guys are embarrassing as hell."

"What is the deal with you two?" Paige motioned between them.

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