Thats My Architect

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Chapter Thirty-Eight ___

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Chapter Thirty-Eight

Sting and Big Show were in the ring for their match as Lillian had just introduced Sting.

"And it is a surreal moment." Cole speaks. Lillian started leaving as the refs were telling both to back up. "It shows you how far we've come in sports entertainment and in this industry over the past 15 and 20 years. Two men here who were the cornerstone of  WCW."

The ref motions for the bell.

'Ding, Ding, Ding"

Stephanie and Triple sat off close to the commentators watching.

Big Show went for that punch but Sting quickly ducks and hits with his own couple of hits that was sending Show back to the ropes.

"Sting going for that knockout early." JBL noticed.

Big Show grabbed him by the throat after those kicks and got Sting in the corner. Raising his hand for a chop, Sting fought back and out of the corner with stunning blows.

The match went back and forth until Sting got Big Show down with a DDT.

Instead of letting him get up, he unloaded stomps to keep him there.

"Sting now, hammers away on Big Show." Cole says.

"Moments like this made Sting so popular, ability to overcome obstacles." Byron says. "Fighting through adversity."

Big Show tiredly pulls himself up in the corner as Cena was on the other side across from him.

Sting sized Big Show up before running and jumping on him.

"And Stinger Splash!"

The crowd cheers as Seth ran down with both belts. "And there he is!" Seth immediately got involved as String met him halfway. "The man Sting meets for the WWE title! Seth Rollins is-" the bell goes off. "rush right into the ring."

Ellie came down the ramp in her heels; now wearing a cropped leather jacket with a grin.

"Should have known!" Byron throws up a hand.

"No doubts about it he came right after Sting!" Cole says. Seth got over to the corner with Sting but Big Show intervened making it a two on one. "And now Big Show attacking Sting! This is a setup no doubt about it!" Ellie went around the ring close by the commentators. "And Ellie said she was a fan of Sting, how do you let something like this happen!"

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