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It's Sunday. Gian and Suneo decides to play baseball. They also talks with Nobita, Dekisugi and Sizuka. Then they collects their friends and tell them about baseball competition. Other students also gets excited to play baseball.

In morning after breakfast all of them goes towards playground. Doraemon also comes with Nobita. He also wants to enjoy.

Sizuka and her friends also comes in playground to cheer the Players.


At Playground

All players and girls comes in playground. Players takes their places. Nobita, Suneo, Nobita, Dekisugi and other players are in Gian's team. And many other players are in opponent's team.

After that they all starts playing baseball. Suneo did batting first. He makes many points. After many balls he gets out. Then Dekisugi did the batting. He also makes many runs.

And at other side Nobita excitedly waiting for his chance. He wants to impress Sizuka with his batting. When Dekisugi gets out after a long time than Nobita's turns come.

Now Gian and his whole team is worried for Nobita's baseball. But if Nobita will lose earlier then they won't face any loss. Their are many other players in their team to heal the points.

Nobita wears helmet and gloves and he takes his place and hold bat.

"Nobita! You can do it.", Sizuka cheers for Nobita.

"Thank you Sizuka!", Nobita says and he looks at Sizuka while smiling.

"Nobita! Focus on ball. You can do it.", Dekisugi cheers Nobita.

Nobita looks at Dekisugi with annoying face.

"There isn't any need of your advice Dekisugi.", Nobita thinks in his mind.

All girls starts cheering for Nobita. Nobita blush and he gets energetic. Now he takes his position. The baller throw first ball towards Nobita. But Nobita didn't hit it.

All team gets disappoint. For them it's normal if Nobita won't hit any ball. Nobita again stands for second ball. The baller was about to throw second ball. Suddenly Sizuka cheers for Nobita. Nobita looks at Sizuka and he smiles.

"Nobita! Don't look other side. Concentrate on ball. Try to hit it.", Dekisugi says.

Nobita annoyingly looks at Dekisugi. Suddenly ball comes from front. Nobita didn't get time to hit the ball and he miss it.

Now only third ball is left. If Nobita will not hit the ball then will get out. Gian and his team members are chill. They also wants that Nobita gets out because they believe that Nobita will not be able to make any run and he will do time pass. Nobita is their friend that's why they give him permission to play.

Now Nobita prepares himself for third ball.

"I am losing because of Dekisugi. Why he is distracting me?", Nobita thinks.

The third ball comes towards Nobita. Nobita hit it.

"Run Nobita!", Gian yells.

"Yes... Nobita. Run fast.", Dekisugi says excitedly.

Nobita starts running to make runs. He successfully makes rum. All claps for him. Sizuka cheers him. Dekisugi smiles and he looks at Doraemon.

"Finally.... Nobita is successful in making some runs.", Doraemon says to Dekisugi.

"Yes... Otherwise I was so worried for him.", Dekisugi says.

"Yes! He is so clumsy. I don't know what will happen to him when I will leave him. Who is going to take care of Nobita after me? I know it's the age that he can stand for himself. But still he always hurts himself.", Doraemon says.

My Dear Love! Nobita...❤️ [Nobita X Dekisugi]Where stories live. Discover now