Rejection and jealousy

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At School

Nobita arrives late in his classroom. He immediately runs towards us desk before teacher can can inside the classroom.

Nobita sighs and he wipes his sweat. Dekisugi who is sitting behind him, has noticed him from beginning. He is relaxed that Nobita comes school in time.

Nobita gets calm and he looks at Sizuka whose seat is right side of him.

"Heyy Sizuka! Good morning.", Nobita says.

"Good morning Nobita.", Sizuka replies and she smiles.

"Your bracelet is so beautiful.", Nobita says while pointing at the bracelet which Sizuka is wearing.

Sizuka looks at her bracelet in wrist and she blush.

"Thank you Nobita. This bracelet is given by a most important person.", Sizuka says and she blush.

"I think. Sizuka is talking about her mom or dad!", Nobita thinks and he smiles.

Dekisugi observers that how Nobita is talking with Sizuka. He gets jealous but he didn't show it on his face. Dekisugi throws a pen under Nobita's desk.

"Nobita!", Dekisugi says.

Nobita looks behind. Dekisugi looks at Nobita with a smiling face.

"Good morning!", Dekisugi says again.

"Good morning.", Nobita replies.

"Nobita! My pen is under your desk. Can you give it to me?", Dekisugi asks.

"Sure Dekisugi.", Nobita replies and he bends under his desk.

After taking pen from under his desk, Nobita gives the pen to Dekisugi. Dekisugi knowingly touches Nobita's hand. Nobita feels warm hands of Dekisugi and he immediately takes back his hand.

Nobita nervously looks forward and he stares at board.

"What happened to me?", Nobita thinks and he shakes his head.

After that a teacher comes inside the room. And she starts teaching all students. All pays their attention in studies.

At break time all students did lunch. After lunch Nobita goes in field with some of his friends. Nobita thinks to confess his feelings to Sizuka. He makes himself strong to face Sizuka.

Nobita told his friends that he is going for some important work and he left his friends.

Dekisugi is with his friend. He sees that Nobita is alone roaming around filed. He ask for excuse to his friend then he follows Nobita.

"Nobita!", Dekisugi says and he comes near to Nobita.

"Ooh no.. why Dekisugi comes here? How I will be able to confess my feelings to Sizuka?", Nobita thinks and he looks at Dekisugi without excitement.

"Yes!", Nobita replies with straight face.

"Why are you roaming alone? Aren't you feeling bore? Where are your friends? Can I join you if you don't mind? Because I think you are getting bored alone.", Dekisugi asks many questions in one time.

"Hey hey... Stop... Why are you asking this much questions. I am finding Sizuka.", Nobita says.

"Sizuka! But why?", Dekisugi asks.

"It's a secret.", Nobita says and he smiles.

"We are friends! Can't you tell the secret to me? I won't tell anyone.", Dekisugi says.

"But!", Nobita replies.

Dekisugi comes close to Nobita. He looks into his eyes.

"Please!", Dekisugi says in a dominating voice.

My Dear Love! Nobita...❤️ [Nobita X Dekisugi]Where stories live. Discover now