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At Dekisugi's Home

Nobita and Dekisugi are alone inside the room.

"Nobita! If you can, then follow me. Come inside my room.", Dekisugi says.

"Hmm!" Nobita replies.

Dekisugi goes towards his room. Nobita follows him. Then they reach inside Dekisugi's room. Dekisugi signs towards bed.

"Sit there comfortably.", Dekisugi says.

Nobita sits on bed and he groans in pain. But he immediately covers his mouth. Dekisugi looks at Nobita. He goes towards desk and takes out first aid box and put it on bed. Then Dekisugi takes his shorts from his cupboard.

Dekisugi gives the shorts to Nobita. Nobita confusingly looks at the shorts.

"Nobita! It's for you. You can wear it. It will be easy for me to apply medicine on your wounded knee.", Dekisugi says.

"Turn other side.", Nobita says and he takes the shorts.

Dekisugi turns to other side. His back is towards Nobita. Nobita fastly changes his shorts.

"Are you done?", Dekisugi asks.

"Yes!", Nobita replies.

Dekisugi turns towards Nobita. He looks at Nobita in shorts. Dekisugi's cheeks turns red. Because Nobita's long legs are visible to him. Dekisugi comes towards Nobita and he sits on bed.

Dekisugi opens the first aid box. He takes out cotton and medicine. Dekisugi cleans the wounds of Nobita's knee.

" gentle.", Nobita says due to pain.

"I will be gentle!", Dekisugi says and his ears turns red. An instant dirty thought runs around his innocent mind.

Dekisugi shakes his head and he applies medicine on Nobita's wounds. Then he hold Nobita's palm and cleans it. He applies medicine on Nobita's palm.

" hurts... please don't apply medicine on my palm.", Nobita says because he is in pain.

"Nobita! Please calm down. Only for few minutes you are going to feel pain in your wounded areas.", Dekisugi says.

Dekisugi gently applies medicine on Nobita's palm. Then he close the first aid box and put it inside desk. Dekisugi goes towards door.

"Where are you going?", Nobita aks.

"Don't worry.. I will comes soon. Yu can lay down on bed.", Dekisugi says and he smiles.

Nobita nodes his head and he take rest on bed. He lays down. And within few minutes he fell asleep. He didn't know when he slept.

Dekisugi comes inside the room with cookies and juice for Nobita and himself. He sees that Nobita is sleeping.

"This boy.... It's not correct time to sleep.", Dekisugi mumbles and he gets worried.

Dekisugi puts the cookies and juice on table. He goes near to Nobita and shakes him.

"Nobita! Wake up!", Dekisugi says.

"Umm... Doraemon let me sleep.", Nobita mumbles in sleepy voice.

Dekisugi smiles and he goes near Nobita's ear.

"Nobita, I am not Doraemon. I am Dekisugi and now you are at my home. Get up if you want to eat cookies.", Dekisugi whispers in Nobita's ear and he tickles Nobita's tummy.

Nobita laughs and he opens his eyes. He sees a blurry vision. Then he immediately opens his eyes and sits on bed.

"Nobita! Do you want cookies and Juice?", Dekisugi asks.

My Dear Love! Nobita...❤️ [Nobita X Dekisugi]Where stories live. Discover now