Who is Doraemon? 🤔

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At Dekisugi's Home

Then Dekisugi and Nobita did morning study. After one hour they both says bye with a kiss.

Nobita comes out from Dekisugi's room and he goes down from stairs. He opens the door and comes towards gate but there is lock in that gate.

"Huh...why there is lock?", Nobita mumbles and he try to think that how he comes inside Dekisugi's house last night.

"Last night how I came inside.... I was in my room then...why I can't remember anything. I think again I starts loosing memory. I think that at night I came to Dekisugi's house and then Dekisugi's parents locked the gate.", Nobita says to himself and he goes inside the house.

Nobita goes in Dekisugi's room without knocking it.

"Dekisugi! Do you have keys of your gate. How I will go home?", Nobita asks.

"Yes..I have a duplicate key of our home. Let me drop you to gate.", Dekisugi says.

Nobita and Dekisugi comes out from house. Dekisugi unlocks the gate with the key.

"Dekisugi...I..I can't remember. Do you know when I came your home last night?", Nobita asks.

Dekisugi gets silent and he also thinks about it. He blinks his eyes and dumbfondly looks at Nobita.

"How I will know? You came my home... You should know.", Dekisugi says.

"Ooh.. i think my memory starts getting low.", Nobita says.

"Mine two...I can't remember.", Dekisugi says.

After thinking for long time they both defeats to remember anything. They says bye again. Nobita goes towards his home.

At Nobita's House

Nobita goes inside his house. There wasn't any lock because his father already unlocked the door.

Nobita goes inside his room and he lays down on floor to take a short nap. Also he set alarm of twenty minutes in his alarm clock.

Nobita closes his eyes. And he sleeps.

Nobita's dream

Nobita opens his study desk. And a bluse colour raccoon dog comes out from his desk. Nobita gets shock and he fell on floor.

"W..who are you? What are you doing in my room?", Nobita asks the raccoon dog who looks blue and he has a small pocket.

"Nobita..what happened...I am Doraemon. Stop behaving silly.", Doraemon says and he goes towards cupboard.

"Huh", Nobita says with open mouth.

Scene skip

Nobita is eating dora cake. Suddenly the blue raccoon dog takes other dora cake from Nobita's plate. Nobita shockingly looks at the blue raccoon dog.

"How dare you to eat my dora cake?", Nobita yells.

"It's my favourite snacks...how can you forget. And how dare you to eat it without sharing with me?", The blue raccoon dog says.

Nobita looks at the blue raccoon dog with shocking face expressions as he didn't saw him in his entire life.

Scene Skip

Nobita is hurridly wearing his school uniform. His leg slips and he fell on ground sur to his knee hurts.

"Nobita....you hurt yourself. You are getting late. I already told you to wake up early but you didn't listen to me....", The blue raccoon dog scolds Nobita.

My Dear Love! Nobita...❤️ [Nobita X Dekisugi]Where stories live. Discover now