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A week passed. Now Nobita isn't thinking about Sizuka a lot. He seriously don't care if Sizuka likes someone else. Because Dekisugi always tries to divert Nobita's mind from the thought that he likes Sizuka.

In a week Dekisugi is able to comes more closer to Nobita as a friend. Nobita still didn't realise that what Dekisugi thinks for him.


At School

During classes all students studied with their full focus including Nobita. Dekisugi notices Nobita in every class that now he is more concentrated towards his studies.

Summer holidays will starts from tomorrow. So all teachers are giving holidays homework to students.

After all classes the students pack their bags. Then they gets ready to arrive their home.

"Suneo, Nobita, Dekisugi, Sizuka... I have a plan for tomorrow.", Gian says in loud voice.

All looks at Gian with confused face.

"What's the plan?", Suneo asks.

"We all will go for trekking in the forest which is behind our school. Are you all coming?", Gian asks.

"Yes Gian. I will comes.", Suneo answers.

"We will also come.", Dekisugi, Nobita and Sizuka says in unison.

"Gian! Can I take my friend with me?", Sizuka asks.

"It's your choice to take someone or not. But come at time. In morning we will start our trekking. Also we will take our lunch with us.", Gian says.

"Thank you Gian.", Sizuka replies.

"Now let's go home.", Suneo says.

Then they all left from there excitedly.


At Nobita's Home

Nobita goes inside home. Then he goes towards upstairs. Nobita's mom see Nobita.

"Nobita! How was your day?", Nobita's mom asks.

"Mom! My day was good. Our teachers inform us that tomorrow holidays will start from tomorrow.", Nobita says.

"Ooh... It's good. I will prepare rice cake for you and Doraemon. After few minutes come down to eat rice cake.", Nobita's mom says.

"Thank you so much mom!", Nobita says happily and he hugs her mom.

Nobita's mom caresses Nobita's hairs and then Nobita runs towards his room.


Next day Nobita's mom prepares food for Nobita. Nobita already told her that he is going on trekking with his friends.

Nobita also says Doraemon to come with them. Doraemon happily agrees. He will also get time to do fun.

After one hour Nobita left from home with Doraemon. He takes his all things. They both meets their friends in playground.

Sizuka takes her girlfriend Riruru with herself. Sizuka didn't hesitate to tell everyone about her girlfriend. They all gets surprise but after that they starts clapping for her and her girlfriend.

Sizuka blushes and Riruru holds her hand. Dekisugi looks at Nobita to read his facial expressions. But he didn't find that Nobita is jealous. Dekisugi gets relief.

My Dear Love! Nobita...❤️ [Nobita X Dekisugi]Where stories live. Discover now