CHAPTER FOUR, ski lodge

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Mirabel and her family went to the Mount Sun Lodge often, they were regulars at this point. It was fun being in a whole different environment for a change. Even though she grew up on a ranch and lived in the middle of nowhere, she loved to be around people and go to exciting places. And now that it was fall, the leaves were changing and the scenery was so beautiful. She loved watching the leaves change colors. And being with her family.

Her mom, Beatrix, was a businesswoman. She owned a very successful land development company, and was the most hard working and responsible person Mirabel knew. Her dad, Mateo, was a rancher, and loved it. The ranch had been given to him from his dad and had been passed down from generations. It had always been their family's business and was something he cherished. So that's why he chose to stay in Texas when his wife had to move to New York. Mirabel had the choice whether if she wanted to live with her dad or her mom. While she will always love her home town, she wanted to go somewhere different and see what the city life was like.

Mirabel loved being in New York. Sure it was different, and at first it was hard, but she managed to fit right in. She and her mom had only been in New York for a few weeks and were still settling in. Now she and her parents were at Mount Sun Lodge for a family vacation. Mirabel had been taking a walk on her own while her parents were talking to a new couple they met at the lodge. Mirabel had her skateboard with her and often used it on the trail. She loved skateboarding ever since she was little. She had seen pictures of her dad skateboarding in a scrapbook her mom had made and she was curious about it so her dad offered to teach her.

She got her own skateboard when she turned 10 and has been using it and loving it since then. She often used her skateboard on the trails at the ranch back in Texas, and even in New York she has taken her skateboard and her board around and had so much fun with it. Mirabel loved the trail that she was currently on, it was her favorite one. It had beautiful scenery, and sometimes she would just sit and look out and enjoy the view. She was getting closer to the lodge and she knew this because she could see the lodge up ahead. She paused though when she suddenly heard a thud nearby. She stopped her skateboard, kicking it up with her foot, and looked around. She noticed a boy nearby and he had kicked a tree out of anger it looked like. She had to admit the back of him looked familiar to her, but she couldn't figure out why.

She raises her eyebrows, wondering why he was kicking the tree. "What did the poor tree do to you?" She asked with a small chuckle.

The boy was startled by her voice and turned to face her. And that's when Mirabel saw his face and realized who it was. "Lucas?" She breathed out, her eyes widening and she felt her grip loosen on her skateboard out of shock. She knew it was Lucas Friar. He looked a bit older and his hair was shorter. But it was Lucas Friar, there was no denying it. His eyes widen at seeing her and he looked like he was in disbelief. She didn't blame him, she was in disbelief too. She hadn't seen him in person since he and his friends had gone to Texas when his friends signed him up for riding Tombstone the bull. 

"Mirabel." He spoke in a quiet tone, a small smile forming on his face and his eyes were shining. He knew it was her. The same shoulder length brown hair, the same hazel eyes, the same warm smile, and the same skateboard. He didn't even realize his feet were taking him to her until he stood in front of her. It was a weird coincidence that they would both end up here at the same time, and it was the first time he was truly thankful for coincidences.

He smiles brightly, his eyes lighting up. "Hi."

She couldn't stop herself from smiling too. "Hey." She breathed out, looking up at him. She had forgotten how tall he was. He had grown so much since they had last seen each other. And he had changed a bit, not completely. But he still had the same bright smile and the same green eyes.

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