CHAPTER FIVE, welcome to new york

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After Lucas and his friends got back to New York, Lucas found out that Riley didn't like him romantically anymore and that she had started having feelings for Evan. Lucas had to admit he was relieved because his feelings for her had been fading and the feelings for Mirabel kept growing.

"You don't seem too upset about Riley and Evan. Are you okay, Huckleberry?" Maya asked as the two of them walked into Topanga's.

"I'm fine, just a lot on my mind. That's all." He replied with a shrug. It was true, he had a lot on his mind. Ever since seeing Mirabel again, his feelings had been all over the place. And now that Riley was talking more with Evan and his feelings for Riley went away, his feelings for Mirabel came back full force. But he didn't know how he would tell her. They had only been reunited recently. What if he told her and she rejected him and they lost touch again? He didn't want that. He wanted to keep his friendship with her. It was just so confusing.

Maya notices the distant look in his eyes and wondered what was going through his mind. She wondered if it had to do with Mirabel. She raises her eyebrows and nudges him. "Let me guess, Mirabel is on your mind?" She teases. She saw the surprised look on his face and she couldn't help but smirk. "Come on, Huckleberry, I'm not an idiot...I mean, okay, I'm not a genius but I'm not blind." She states. "It's obvious that you have a thing for her." She added, sitting down at the counter, Lucas following suit.

"It is?" He asked nervously, looking at her with wide eyes. Was it really that obvious? If it was then Mirabel had probably already figured it out. And that terrified him. He was afraid that she would reject him and it would mess up their friendship.

Maya shrugs. "Maybe not to her, but I can see it. I think everyone can. I've known you've had a crush on her since the first time you saw her again when we went to Texas."

Lucas glances at her with surprise. "Really?" He asked. He didn't think his feelings were so obvious. Apparently, they were, because Maya had picked up on them. Maybe everyone had picked up on them. He hoped Mirabel didn't and if she did that she felt the same.

Maya nods. "Yep, I noticed how your whole demeanor changed. You were just happier and more comfortable being yourself around her. So why are you confused now? She's finally gonna be here permanently." She pointed out.

"Because I don't want to mess up our friendship. What if I tell her and she doesn't feel the same way and rejects me and we never speak again?" Lucas admits, feeling his heart pounding in his chest. It would crush him. He wouldn't be able to take it. "I don't want to lose her again. It was hard enough the first time, I don't think I would be able to handle losing her again."

Maya could hear the vulnerability in his voice and she softens. "I don't think you have anything to worry about. You shouldn't worry about the 'what if's. You should just go for it and tell her how you feel. Or you're gonna miss your chance if you don't."

Lucas sighs, running a hand through his hair. He hated that he was so conflicted and confused. But Maya was right. He should just tell her and get it over with. It would be better to have his heart broken now rather than later. Or maybe he would get lucky and she would feel the same way and they would get together. He could only hope. "You're right. Thanks, Maya."

Maya smirks. "Of course, I'm right. I'm always right. But honestly, I'm relieved I'm not in your situation because that sounds stressful. But you gotta follow your heart, Sundance. You've always been good at that." Maya shrugged.

Lucas nods his head and gives her a small smile. "Thanks, I appreciate it, Maya. I'm honestly surprised you were willing to talk to me about this. And you didn't pour a smoothie over my head." He joked.

"Gotta be honest, I'm real tempted to do it 'cause you're such a nice guy." Maya grumbles. "But you're welcome, I'm glad I could help. Besides, I'm tired of the triangle drama so I'm so glad that's done with. It's good that we're all friends now."

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