CHAPTER EIGHT, girl meets real world (part one)

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Something Mirabel noticed about Lucas and his friends is that they seemed to protect Riley from the outside world. When she first met Riley, she quickly noticed that the girl was sheltered, naïve and innocent. It wasn't a bad thing, but it was strange to Mirabel that Riley hadn't been exposed to the harsher side of life yet. She thought it was sweet how her friends wanted to keep her innocent for as long as possible, and how they had her best interest at heart.

Mirabel wasn't as innocent as Riley, having grown up on a ranch with her large and loving family. She wasn't sheltered like Riley, having been exposed to the harsh realities of life and the darker side of the world at an early age. But, she was still kind and compassionate, and she wanted the best for her new friend. She had to admit she was surprised that Riley hadn't been exposed to certain things, but she respected her friends' efforts to protect her innocence. She thought it was sweet and heartwarming, but she knew Riley would have to be exposed to the harsh realities of life at some point.

Today in History class was a debate day. Riley and Farkle stood at the front of the class behind podiums, they were arguing about the sun shining during the day and night. Mirabel found it interesting and amusing. "'The sun shines during the day'." Mr. Matthews starts. "Ms. Mathews will argue the affirmative"

"Good morning, everybody." Riley smiles, folding her hands and resting them on the podium. "You know why people say that in the morning?" She slams the podium with one hand before walking over to the wall of windows. She pulls open the blinds, letting the sunlight stream in more. She then gestures to it with a grin. "Poom!" She walks back to the podium with a bow. "Nailed it."

Mirabel chuckled quietly at her antics. She didn't have anything against the girl, but sometimes she wondered if the girl was always that cheerful. She knew she was a positive and bright person, and that was admirable. But she also wondered how the girl could be so happy all the time.

"How can you possibly lose?" Maya grinned, amusement shining in her eyes.

"Like this." Smackle dramatically gestured to her boyfriend, smiling at him as he spoke.

"First of all, let's understand that day and night are merely words invented by human beings to communicate simple conceptual constructs apropos of nothing." Farkle started. Mirabel had to admit she barely understood what he said. She was smart, but Farkle's level of intelligence was on a completely different level. She was a bit jealous honestly, he was basically a genius. She noticed Riley was rolling her eyes and shaking her head. She chuckled quietly at her reaction.

"Ooh!" Smackle grinned, her face turning red. Everyone glanced at her with mix emotions, some confused and some amused.

Farkle leans on the podium, smirking at her. "Apropos."

"Rawr." Smackle grinned. Mirabel couldn't help but smirk at the interaction. She knew they were dating, but seeing it in person was different. She couldn't help but think Farkle and Smackle were adorable.

Mirabel leans over to Lucas to whisper, "I feel like we're intruding on a private moment between the two."

Lucas chuckles quietly, nodding his head in agreement. "They're something, aren't they?" Mirabel nodded in agreement and sat back in her chair. She had been sitting besides Lucas in every class they shared together. It was something they did without realizing. They gravitated towards each other, always finding a way to be near each other.

"Thank you. Thank you very much." Farkle smirks at his girlfriend before standing up straighter and facing the class. "Anyway, science tells us that the sun is always shining and what appears to be day and night is merely our angle of proximity at a particular time to the Earth's revolution." An amused smile forms on Mirabel's face as she watched Riley's antics. She messed with her hair and made funny faces, silently mocking her opponent. "And for extra credit, there's no such thing as time." Farkle added.

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